Saturday, May 23, 2020
The Individuals With Disabilities Education Act - 786 Words
The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is an act introduced by Senator Tom Harkin (D-IA) on October 31, 1989. IDEA was signed into law almost a year later by President George H.W. Bush. The Purpose of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act is to give students with disabilities the rights and educational opportunities as children without disabilities. IDEA is separated into four parts: A. General Provisions B. Assistance for education of all children with disabilities C. Infants and Toddlers with disabilities D. National Support Programs Administered at the federal level Under the IDEA Act schools have to undergo the Individualized Education Program (IEP) process for each student with a disability. In order for this process to begin the parent has to request, in writing, for their student to be evaluated to determine if they are eligible for an IEP or if they need a 504 accommodation plan (extra test time, sit in the front of the class room, etc.) If the parent does not agree with the schools findings, they can request an Independent Educational Evaluation (IEE), at no charge to the parent. Significance of the Law Before the IDEA act was created, many students with disabilities did not receive the proper education because of their disability. Many states had laws that barred them from public schools. The few places that allowed students with disabilities to attend school were either very expensive or did not have the necessary resources to provide aShow MoreRelatedIndividuals With Disabilities Education Act930 Words  | 4 PagesIndividuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) 2004 went into effect July 01, 2005. IDEA Part C covers children through the age of two, Part B covers children from the age of three to twenty-one. Children with disabilities are guaranteed special education services, and a fair and impartial education regardless of what or severity of their disability, from the time they are born to the time they graduate high school. The families of the children with disabilities cannot be asked to pay for specialRead MoreThe Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Essay1666 Words  | 7 PagesThe Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, which originally began as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act of 1975 (EHA), was created to ensure a free and appropriate public education to children with disabilities. This policy was implemented in an effort to provide equal access to education for all. Prior to 1975, the needs of children with disabilities were highly overlooked. According to the Department of Education, Office of Special Education and Rehabilitative Serv ices (2010)Read MoreThe Individuals With Disabilities Education Act1711 Words  | 7 Pages The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act and the Meaning of â€Å"Free Appropriate Public Education†for Students with Disabilities is detailed below: Congress passed the IDEA in 1975 to ensure that children with disabilities had the opportunity to receive an appropriate education. To qualify for federal funding under the Act, a state must demonstrate that it has a policy in effect that â€Å"assures all handicapped children the right to a free appropriate education.†6 IDEA requires school districtsRead MoreThe Individuals With Disabilities Education Act1535 Words  | 7 PagesTHE INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES EDUCATION ACT (IDEA) IDEA is the main law addressing the education of children and adolescents with disabilities. It ensures all individuals with disabilities between the ages of 3−21 the right to a free, appropriate public education (FAPE), regardless of the nature or severity of the disability. Schools must therefore provide services to meet the particular educational needs arising from a disabling condition that cannot be met in the general educational programRead MoreIndividuals With Disabilities Education Act787 Words  | 4 PagesSebrena Pierce CD 115 Jones 4/1/16 Individuals with Disabilities Education Act The law or act that I chose to do my research paper on was the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act. As a student with a disability this act helped out tremendously throughout my educational journey. There are 6.5 million individuals who receive some type of special education services. The IDEA act created a positive stigmatism on individuals with disabilities. IDEA should be able to continue to create a positiveRead MoreThe Individuals With Disabilities Education Act2065 Words  | 9 PagesThe Individuals with Disabilities Education Act, also known as IDEA was originally created in 1975 to ensure that children with disabilities were given the opportunity to receive a free and adequate education. IDEA has been revised and many times since 1975, the most recent being in 2004. IDEA consists of parts A, B, C, and D. Part A outlines the basic foundation, and defines terms used throughout the act. Part B outlines the responsibilities of schools to educate students aged 3-21. The IndividualsRead MoreIndividuals With Disabilities Education Act1688 Words  | 7 Pages INDIVIDUALS WITH DISABILITIES EDUCATION ACT IDEA - - - - A law ensuring services to children with disabilities throughout the nation. IDEA governs how states and public agencies provide early intervention, special education, and related services to more than 6.5 million eligible infants, toddlers, children, and youth with disabilities. IDEA -Was originally enacted by Congress in 1975 to ensure that children with disabilities have the opportunity to receive a free appropriateRead MoreThe Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Essay2262 Words  | 10 Pages The Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) is a four-part piece of American legislation that ensures students with disabilities will receive a Free Appropriate Public Education (FAPE) that meets their individual needs. From 1975 to 1990, IDEA was known as the Education for All Handicapped Children Act (EHA). In 1990, the United States Congress reauthorized EHA and changed the title to IDEA (Public Law No. 94-142). This law had a dramatic, yet positive impact on millions of childrenRead More Individuals with Disabilities Education Act Essay1626 Words  | 7 Pagesprinciple behind IDEA was to ensure an equal opportunity for all children. In order to affect that idea, we have to find a balance between all children’s needs. In 1975, came the passage of the federal Education of All Handicapped Children Act, now revised as the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA, 1990). For handicapped children, the law was long overdue. The designers of IDEA saw the mselves as progressive reformers, designing fairer, more responsive schools. The lawmakers were attemptingRead MoreThe Individuals With Disabilities Education Act Orders1729 Words  | 7 PagesThe Individuals With Disabilities Education Act orders all states to give disabled students a free and appropriate education. Many schools in the United States mainstream disabled students and have succeeded in properly educating them, along with creating a safe environment where they are socially comfortable and accepted. However, there are too many incidents where teachers improperly handle these students and administrators do not give enough money to fund adequate supplies for these students.
Monday, May 18, 2020
Analysis of A and P by John Updike
Originally published in The New Yorker in 1961, John Updikes short story A P has been widely anthologized and is generally considered to be a classic. The Plot of the Updikes AP Three barefoot girls in bathing suits walk into an A P grocery store, shocking the customers but drawing the admiration of the two young men working the cash registers. Eventually, the manager notices the girls and tells them that they should be decently dressed when they enter the store and that in the future, they will have to follow the stores policy and cover their shoulders. As the girls are leaving, one of the cashiers, Sammy, tells the manager he quits. He does this partly to impress the girls and partly because he feels the manager took things too far and didnt have to embarrass the young women. The story ends with Sammy standing alone in the parking lot, the girls are long gone. He says that his stomach kind of fell as I felt how hard the world was going to be to me hereafter. Narrative Technique The story is told from the first person point of view of Sammy. From the opening line--In walks, these three girls in nothing but bathing suits--Updike establishes Sammys distinctively colloquial voice. Most of the story is told in the present tense as if Sammy is talking. Sammys cynical observations about his customers, whom he often calls sheep, can be humorous. For example, he comments that if one particular customer had been born at the right time they would have burned her over in Salem. And its an endearing detail when he describes folding his apron and dropping the bow tie on it, and then adds, The bow tie is theirs if youve ever wondered. Sexism in the Story Some readers will find Sammys sexist comments to be absolutely grating. The girls have entered the store, and the narrator assumes they are seeking attention for their physical appearance. Sammy comments on every detail. Its almost a caricature of objectification when he says, You never know for sure how girls minds work (do you really think its a mind in there or just a little buzz like a bee in a glass jar?)[...] Social Boundaries In the story, the tension arises not because the girls are in bathing suits, but because theyre in bathing suits in a place where people dont wear bathing suits. Theyve crossed a line about whats socially acceptable. Sammy says: You know, its one thing to have a girl in a bathing suit down on the beach, where what with the glare nobody can look at each other much anyway, and another thing in the cool of the A P, under the fluorescent lights, against all those stacked packages, with her feet paddling along naked over our checkerboard green-and-cream rubber-tile floor. Sammy obviously finds the girls physically alluring, but hes also attracted by their rebellion. He doesnt want to be like the sheep he makes such fun of, the customers who are befuddled when the girls enter the store. There are clues that the girls rebellion has its roots in economic privilege, a privilege not available to Sammy. The girls tell the manager that they entered the store only because one of their mothers asked them to pick up some herring snacks, an item that makes Sammy imagine a scene in which the men were standing around in ice-cream coats and bow ties and the women were in sandals picking up herring snacks on toothpicks off a big glass plate. In contrast, when Sammys parents have somebody over they get lemonade and if its a real racy affair Schlitz in tall glasses with Theyll Do It Every Time cartoons stenciled on. In the end, the class difference between Sammy and the girls means that his rebellion has far more serious ramifications than theirs does. By the end of the story, Sammy has lost his job and alienated his family. He feels how hard the world [is] going to be because not becoming a sheep wont be as easy as just walking away.  And it certainly wont be as easy for him as it will be for the girls, who inhabit a place from which the crowd that runs the A P must look pretty crummy.
Monday, May 11, 2020
The Giver, Equilibrium and Modern Day Society - 1178 Words
In our modern world, many would classify this current generation as disappointing and sometimes even, pathetic. We often categorize ourself as greed, trying to take more than we need. Many believe that our society is corrupted and can not be fixed although some sit back and just watch, much like, in both the book and the film. In The Giver, the elders gave an appearance of a perfect society with no violence, no problems and no pain but hid valuable information to many. They simply dismissed all of their wrong-doings for the better of their perfect world which in many cases is exactly like real life. In our modern day, we are not exactly openly given information about the world unless it is discovered by someone else. We are given†¦show more content†¦In the book, you are encouraged to feel but to not keep it bottled up, having a major rule as to not lie. You are told to share what you feel and simply dismiss right after which is definitely something that we are taught in the real world. But there are many things that you can do when experiencing emotion that can be considered wrong, especially expressing that emotion in an odd or wrong way. For example, over exaggerating negative emotions publicly would be considered uncultured and disrespectful in some aspects, which definitely happened in the film. In Equilibrium, you could not be caught having emotions or that would lead to strict disciplinary actions which very similar to real life where you can not really show how you feel in the way you want because if you were to do so in a â€Å"wrong†way , you would be judged in an instant. There are many things that are considered wrong in this world although it really depends on how the person was raised. People are heavily influenced by the people around them on what could be considered acceptable. At a young age, people are usually taught of manners although depending on who raised them, they will have a different sense of ethics. As people age, we learn that there are certain laws that require qualification by either age or ability lie driving or buyingShow MoreRelatedAn Indigenous understanding of Reciprocity3568 Words  | 15 Pagesï » ¿Reciprocity is an underlying principle expressed throughout Aboriginal societies. Outline and illustrate the importance of this fundamental concept in the economic, social, spiritual and political spheres of Aboriginal life (refer to reciprocity in the index to Edwards 2005). The word ‘reciprocity’1 conjures up a feel good image of ‘caring and sharing’ (Schwab 1995: 8). 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
William Wordsworth - 1477 Words
Wordsworth’s Use of Literary Devices Related to Nature William Wordsworth’s frequent references to nature in his poetry shows that he paid close attention to the details of the physical environment around him. His poetry relates to nature by focusing primarily on the relationship between inner life with the outer world. William Wordsworth uses literary devices such as personification, similes, and the impressions nature makes on him to show the importance of the relationship that man should have with nature. Personification is used to make it easier for his readers to relate themselves to nature. The use of similes demonstrates the importance of experiencing nature as if it were oneself because it allows one to experience nature on a†¦show more content†¦In this poem, he extends that idea to show peaceful reflections on nature enable one to enjoy the â€Å"bliss of solitude†and experience true happiness. Another example of simile used by Wordsworth comes from â€Å"Tintern Abbey†: I came among these hills; when like a roe I bounded o’er the mountains, by the sides Of the deep rivers, and the lonely streams, Wherever nature led; †¦ Their colours and their forms, were then to me An appetite; a feeling and a love. (The Poems 359) In this poem, Wordsworth uses a simile by indicate he is â€Å"like a roe†. He imagines himself wandering through the mountains experiencing nature on a different levelâ€â€like a deer wouldâ€â€without a goal but rather, wandering wherever nature leads, This demonstrates how nature can have different effects through the use of imagination if we are willing to pause our actions from day to day and take time to contemplate on our surroundings. Deep contemplation clears the mind and allows one to imagine a journey through natureâ€â€not just through nature, but as a living part of nature. Through this experience nature became â€Å"An appetite; a feeling and a love†for him. His total immersion in nature leads to him becoming one with nature, thus showing the value of an intimate relationship between man and nature. Impression, the personal effect of some experience, real or imagined, is a thirdShow MoreRelated William Wordsworth Essay1402 Words  | 6 Pages William Wordsworths â€Å"The World is Too Much With Us†is a Romantic Sonnet that can be broken into two parts. The speaker tells us in the first part that we have lost our connection with nature, and that that connection was one of our most important relationships. The speaker the goes on to tell us that that he is willing to sacrifice everything to recover this relationship, and begins on line 9. In romantic poems, the speaker tries to convince us of our flaws, in this case our skewed relationshipRead MoreDaffodils by William Wordsworth1871 Words  | 8 PagesWilliam Wordsmiths I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud or Daffodils: Analysis A BESTWORD ANALYSIS As far as there is to mention, there is little of weight or consequence to speak of in the direct analysis of William Wordsworth’s â€Å"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud†, or â€Å"Daffodils†as it is popularly referred to today. From introduction to conclusion, William Wordsworth cleanly describes the act of watching a patch of country daffodils swaying in the breeze and the lasting effect this pleasant image hasRead More William Wordsworth Essay3686 Words  | 15 PagesWilliam Wordsworth William Wordsworth is considered to be the greatest among all of the English Romantic poets. Although he did not always get the recognition that he rightfully deserved in the early part of his career, only through trials and tribulations did he reach the pinnacle of the literary world. Wordsworth said of the Prelude that it was a thing unprecedented in the literary history that a man should talk so much about himself: I had nothing to do but describe what I had feltRead MoreWilliam Wordsworth Essay1942 Words  | 8 PagesWilliam Wordsworth was born on April 7, 1770 in Cockermouth, Cumberland, England. He grew up surrounded by beautiful scenery. He was very close to his sister, Dorothy Wordsworth. (William Wordsworth Biography. N.p., n.d. Web. 26 Feb 2012. His sister led the way for him to love nature by showing him its beauty. His mom died when he was eight years old and then his father die d when he was thirteen years oldRead MoreThe Prelude, By William Wordsworth1031 Words  | 5 Pages Mind and Imagination An elevated concentration to the way the mind works is without a doubt one of the most significant attributes of Romantic poetry. In William Wordsworth’s poem, The Prelude, the poet allows several memories from his youth to be brought up again in his adulthood and looks to grasp onto these certain influences that have assisted in establishing his mind and could potentially help him become the best poet possible. John Keats described his idea of imagination to a friend in anRead MoreWilliam Wordsworth s The Prelude1008 Words  | 5 PagesIn William Wordsworth’s poem, The Prelude, he describes how he imagines London to be. He is very descriptive when he touches on what he expects upon arrival to the city, and then realizes London was not the paradise he alluded to earlier in his poem. William Wordsworth use of imagery and diction reflect the city’s natural environment, which he also uses in order to convey his feelings of anticipation and dissatisfaction with w hat he has discovered. In the beginning of The Prelude, William Wordsworth’sRead MoreTintern Abbey, by William Wordsworth664 Words  | 3 PagesWilliam Wordsworth was a fanatic towards nature. From one of the texts written by William Wordsworth, Tintern Abbey describes nature at its finest. While this story was set in the Romantic time periods, Wordsworth would be the most important poet in the generation one poets. After spending five years away from what he had loved, Tintern Abbey, Wordsworth learned that it was the little things in life that mattered the most. Tintern Abbey is located somewhere in the United Kingdom. Once was a greatRead MoreNature And Time By William Wordsworth1197 Words  | 5 Pagesmarked not by reason and rationalism, but by feelings, emotion, and nature. Of the writers of the Romantic era, William Wordsworth was one of the most representative, spearheading the movement by co-authoring â€Å"Lyrical Ballads†with his contemporary Samuel Coleridge. Thus, to gain a better understanding the Romantic period as a whole, it is useful to focus on the works of William Wordsworth, the period’s flagship writer. To do this, one can conduct a close reading of â€Å"Lines Written a Few Miles aboveRead MoreWilliam Wordsworth s Poetry :. Eliot And W. Wordsworth1442 Words  | 6 Pages Theories in Poetry: T.S. Eliot and W. Wordsworth T. S. Eliot and William Wordsworth were both well-known poets, born 100 years apart; both were famous poets in their own right. Both men were influential in changing the face of poetry as the world had known it. Eliot looked at poetry in a Modernistic view, while Wordsworth was a writer who chose a Romantic view. Eliot’s view seems to be one of disconnect, where Wordsworth’s view is one of emotion and feelings. Both men wrote with a differentRead MoreEssay on William Wordsworth and Nature904 Words  | 4 PagesWordsworth’s Connection to Nature William Wordsworth is one of the famous authors from the Romantic era. Romanticism was an era which began to change during the French Revolution and continued through the Industrial Revolution. This genre of writing was different from previous genres. Romanticism followed little of the rules and authors were free to write as they felt. Most literature from this period was based on love, fascinations, obsessions, myths, and nature. A majority of Wordsworth’s
Competitive Advantage And Enhancing Business Performance Accounting Essay Free Essays
Throughout the 1990s, efficaciously deriving competitory advantage and heightening concern public presentation have been the major challenges that the CEOs had to get the better of under the context of intensified planetary competition ( Porter 1996 ) . Harmonizing to Pike A ; Neale ( 1993 ) , the three traditional functions of finance map in most administrations are fiscal accounting, corporate finance and direction accounting. Despite the fact that these functions seem to cover the full scope of the concerns activities, the internally-focused and past-oriented nature of them is crictised as non-strategic, which impede the ability of finance map to assist concern accomplish competitory advantage or derive farther market portion ( Hunger A ; Wheelen, 1996 ; Mintzberg, 1987a ; Porter, 1996 ) . We will write a custom essay sample on Competitive Advantage And Enhancing Business Performance Accounting Essay or any similar topic only for you Order Now Therefore, traditional finance sections are progressively expected to prosecute in more value-added activities and be more proactive in back uping the organisation ‘s overall concern schemes. As a figure of researches have proved that alterations in the external environment of an organisation trigger the alteration in the direction accounting patterns ( Atkinson et al. , 1997 ; Nanni, Dixon, A ; Vollman, 1992 ) , it can be said that he major alteration in the function of finance map is that direction comptrollers are going more actively involved in the determinations that run the concern. This consequence is supported with the impression that the directors demand more direction accounting information that assist them in the procedure of doing determinations every bit good as step and proctor public presentation advancement against schemes. Therefore, a combination of clearly articulated schemes, flexible organisational designs and sophisticated accounting systems has been adopted as a manner to accomplish this end. By reacting to the demands of directors who need make to do timely and sound determinations, direction comptrollers ( MAs ) are more and more expected to back up directors in their decision-making procedure or act as ‘business spouses ‘ ( Siegel and Sorenson, 1999 ) . Therefore, MAs are expected to demo a high degree of ‘commercial consciousness ‘ ( Burns, Scapens A ; Turley, 1996 ) , a close engagement in and understand of the organisation ‘s concern procedures, and ‘an ability to pass on in other directors ‘ footings ‘ ( Burns A ; Yazdifar, 2001 ) . Granlund and Lukka ( 1998 ) see the highest degree of this development in ‘a state of affairs in which direction comptrollers operate as true members of direction squads and are able to move as alteration agents in organisations ‘ . Over the last two decennaries or so, academic literature has been flush with legion surveies of direction accounting alteration, which have been conducted across a assortment of concern sectors and national context. Certain surveies have investigated whether such alteration execution is successful or non ( e.g. Shields, 1995 ) while others ( e.g. Malmi, 1997 ) raise an issue of whether such differentiation between success and failure is possible. Models of alteration execution have besides been developed, based on empirical survey ( Vaivio. , J. , 1999b ) . Some other writers even have drawn theoretical penetration from outside subjects to gestate direction accounting alteration ( Burns and Scapens, 2000 ) . Geographic and country-specific cultural facets have been studied in respects of their consequence on the way dependence of direction accounting alteration ( Granlund and Lukka, 1998a ) . However, no empirical survey has been conducted to research the effectivity of transforming the traditional finance maps on the overall organisational public presentation. Neither does the literature chalk out out what high quality concern partnering theoretical account of taking organisations really looks like. This survey, hence, contributes to the direction accounting literature to analyze if there is a nexus between the concern partnering theoretical account and the public presentation of an organisation. From that we can hold a clearer image of which the features of finance maps that set the high performing artists apart. This is of import because it will supply a survival kit for the successful reorientation of the full finance organisation with important public presentation betterments in both finance and the full company. The remainder of this paper is structured as follows. The following subdivision summarizes the relevant anterior literature from which the research hypotheses are developed. The research methodological analysis is explained in Section 3. Section 4 contains the in-depth analysis of the informations, which is followed by a treatment of the consequences and some concluding comments. Section 2: Literature reappraisal and hypotheses preparation In this subdivision, in visible radiation of the relevant literature, an effectual concern partnering theoretical account is presented to do manner for the development of a figure of hypotheses. The new multi-faced functions of finance have been suggested by literature to positively impact the effectivity of finance maps and in bend the organisational public presentation, which consequences to a nexus between the acceptance of these patterns and the high public presentation of organisation. To understand the background of the transmutation and the manner the paper is structured, a short travel into the history of direction accounting is now presented. Since the 1980s, houses in all sectors of the economic system were seen to undergo dramatic alterations in the planetary economic system including intensive competition, of all time more demanding clients with diversified client demands and shorter merchandise life rhythms, and the handiness of advanced fabrication engineerings ( Johnson, H. and Kaplan, R. , 1987 ; Innes A ; Mitchell, 1990 ) . Therefore, merely an appropriate matching of scheme in response to the alteration in external factors can heighten organisational public presentation A study conducted by CIMA ( twelvemonth? ) argues that in such a universe where international markets give every house much the same entree to resources and where procedures of each concern areA meeting on alike criterions, the one existent staying distinction tool remainders on the de cision-making map. As the clients are choosier and rivals react to clients ‘ diversified demands in more and more sophisticated ways, houses may follow distinction scheme that underscores more customer-oriented and commercially oriented position. Fiscal information is merely portion of the image because it fails to demo long-run profitableness doing the outgrowth of non-financial steps as a reaction to economic force per unit areas ( Granlund, M. and K, Lukka. , 1998 ) . Burns, J. et Al. ( 1999 ) suggested that the partial nature of fiscal information still be accepted if MAs can construe it in a broader context or stated in another manner, they have to associate the fiscal information to the non-financial steps. Following the customer-oriented focal point, MAs are presuming the duty of functioning their internal clients because great client service depends on outstanding internal client service. In this sense, they are said to move as ‘business spouses ‘ ( Burns, J. and Yazdifar, H. , 2001 ) or ‘business advisers ‘ ( Burns, J. and Vaivo, J. , 2001 ) . To break the determination devising procedure, MAs need to understand the demands of the internal clients. This is a two-stage procedure in which the first measure is deploying fiscal systems, constructions and procedures through which the the platform for the concern partnering phase is formed, which is referred to as ‘commercial finance ‘ by Gould, S. and Fahy, M. ( 2006 ) . Because MAs understand the whole fiscal impacts of functional determinations, they work with other concern units ( BU ) directors in implementing the schemes made by the CEO instead than work in the finance silo separated from the remainder of the concern ( Robinson, L. , 1999 ) . In this sense, thanks to the apprehension of the whole value concatenation, MAs are encouraged to work on-the-field, increase accent toward concern instead than passing the majority of the clip with clerical and everyday accounting undertakings. They are besides referred to as ‘hybrid comptrollers ‘ who combine fiscal acumen and commercial consciousness ( Burns, J. et al. , 1999 ) . As a consequence, MAs build a close relationship between finance map and the remainder of organisation so they are moving as a alteration agent by increasing determination devising procedure and further they can move as alteration leaders. In short, the direction accounting map is expected to finish its transmutation from a dealing processing focal point to a ‘business spouse ‘ with a high determination support capableness Gould, S. and Fahy, M. ( 2006 ) commented: â€Å" Business partnering theoretical account requires a clear apprehension of clients, and it needs the right people to place and utilize the appropriate techniques. †This transmutation will be looked into inside informations from the two positions: From internally-focused to outward-looking and past-focused to send on looking or from cost orientation to business/customer orientation where the new functions and activities which MAs undertake will be considered. From structures-focused to process-focused re-organization which is shown in the proviso of nucleus merchandises and support services A transmutation from internal orientation to environmental ( outward-looking ) and from past-focused to long-run ( advanced ) Changing functions and activities There is small uncertainty that finance professionals play a polar value-adding function in pull offing and maneuvering organisations through the ups and downs of the commercial universe. Nonetheless, the engineering progresss may shortly dispute the understanding about dealing processing. Thankss to those progresss, dealing processing could be done in centralized shared service Centres or decentralised practical Centres. Whether it is centralised or decentralised, it is likely that finance maps will incorporate the three functions: concern leading and partnering ; dealing processing and proficient and conformity. ( ICCA, 2001 ) Traditionally, MAs were viewed to be concerned with figure crunching and responsible for the overall operation of the accounting or they were called ‘bean counter ‘ or a ‘corporate bull ‘ . While traditional functions and activities remain to take up the majority of their clip ( Granlund and Lukka, 1998b ) , the tendency is clear that less clip is now devoted to hit maintaining and corporate policing. Technological developments have freed them up from the mechanical facets of accounting therefore they allocate less clip set abouting everyday fiscal analysis, dealing processing or statutory coverage. Alternatively, they assume the undertakings of analyzing and construing information and are welcomed into the halls of direction as ‘business spouse ‘ , sought after owing to their concern acumen and the strategic facets that they bring to the tabular array ( Burns, J. and Baldvinsdottir, G. , 2005 ; Granlund, M. and Lukka, K. , 1998a ) . MAs besides sp end clip in advanced activities and engage in other non-traditional accounting activities such as strategic planning, internal consulting, procedure betterment, and public presentation rating ( Siegel, G. and Sorenson, J. , 1999 ) . That is more clip is now spent on business-integrated functions, integrating undertakings of scheme preparation, organizational redesign, alteration direction ( IMA, 1999 ) . Among the most critical activities to the company ‘s success that MAs are expected to execute in the hereafter are long-run strategic planning, fiscal and economic analyses, client and merchandise profitableness, computing machine systems and operations and procedure betterment ( Siegel, G. and Sorenson, J. , 1999 ) . There is widespread literature that advocates the position that MAs should acquire involved in the determination support and providing advice throughout the concern. This is because MAs are said to be the well-equipped organizational members to supply information that is of import to the strategic determination devising, and that they would be desirable participants in this procedure ( Kaplan, 1995 ) . Indeed, MAs have entree to fiscal and cost information that is ensuing from intimate apprehension of the implicit in engineerings, markets, and the organisation ‘ scheme ( Kaplan, 1995 ) . BA‘er ( 1996 ) anticipated that MAs would take portion in the scheme preparation procedure so he suggested that MAs would play a focal function in pointing their administration towards the hereafter. However, there is small consensus about the relationship between MAs ‘ engaging in these new functions and the organisational public presentation. Indeed, literature merely suggests that comptrollers ‘ engagement in a wide set of decision-making procedures might lend to the strategic effectivity. Byrne A ; Pierce ( 2007 ) showed that MAs ‘ engagement in concern procedures has reinforced the effectivity of direction control and might hold influence on public presentation through the improved determination devising and sweetening in planning and control. The strategic determination doing procedure contains both the scheme development and scheme execution phase and the battle of MAs in those phases has the possible to heighten strategic effectivity by provide of import strategic information ( Langfield-Smith, 2005 ) . Byrne and Pierce ( 2007 ) studied the association between a broad scope of ancestors, features and effects of the functions of MAs and discovered that M As have the possible to act upon public presentation and information quality and that the greater the engagement of the MA, the more likely they are to hold a positive impact on these results. Granlund and Lukka ( 1998b ) studied the altering function of MAs in the Finland and suggested that they contribute to the strategic effectivity by concentrating their attending every bit good as actions towards the hereafter and acted on real-time information. Kaplan ( 1995 ) expected that at the micro-level, the strategic effectivity would be enhanced because MA would acquire engagement in strategic procedures – such as the scheme development and execution. In contrast, Granlund and Lukka ( 1998a ) argued that direction accounting systems still chiefly bring forth heightening operational instead than strategic effectivity, at the mirco-level. Harmonizing to Otley ( 2001 ) , effectivity is concerned with the proviso of coveted results whereas strategic effectivity relates to the organi sational public presentation towards the accomplishment of their ain strategic aims. The undermentioned hypothesis is hence formed: Hypothesis 1: In high-performing organisations, finance maps assume more activities that associated with the determination devising procedure. As argued above, in order to move as concern spouses, MAs need to deploy fiscal systems, constructions and processes that provide the platform for the concern partnering procedure. Business partnering functions chiefly consists of back uping in concern direction and public presentation direction which provides information and model for the strategic determinations can be made ( ICCA, 2001 ) . Information engineering progresss such as endeavor resource be aftering systems ( ERP ) , e-commerce and the cyberspace have significantly changed the manner information is collected, measured, analyzed and communicated non merely within but besides between organisations ( Atkinson et al. , 1997 ) . Such wide alteration suggests a necessity for direction accounting to alter, excessively. Although to day of the month, a figure of academic grounds have demonstrated the staying popularity of traditional direction accounting patterns such as budgeting ( Ezzamel et al. , 1995 ) , it seems besides tha t those techniques are presently being used together with the new and alleged ‘advanced ‘ techniques for illustration uninterrupted planning and prediction, activity-based direction, balanced scorecard, value-based direction and direction coverage and analysis ( Scapens et al. , 1996 ; ICCA, 2001 ) . Advanced direction accounting techniques can help finance forces to more easy concentrate on distinction precedences, such as quality, bringing and client service, compared to the traditional financially-based accounting techniques, as they emphasize the customer-oriented focal point or the demand to fulfill client demands. For illustration, activity-based direction, which is non merely an improved version of merchandise costing for traditional criterion costing, but can besides be used for strategic cost direction, or to keep and better client value. Balanced scorecard – ‘a set of steps that gives top directors a fast but comprehensive position of the concern à ¢â‚¬Ëœ ( Kaplan and Norton, 1992 ) non merely consists of fiscal steps that convey the consequences of actions already done but integrated operational steps which are the drivers of future fiscal public presentation such as client satisfaction, internal procedure, and the organisation ‘s invention and betterment activities. Continuous planning and prediction are replacing traditional one-year planning and budgeting as cardinal basicss in monitoring and pull offing an organisation. Traditional one-year planning and budgeting are deemed usually backbreaking, clip devouring undertaking bring forthing doubtful informations, instead than something that is of any peculiar usage that directors can deploy in a fast changing environment. Furthermore, traditional planning and budgeting techniques are excessively inflexible for the present concern environment. Consequently, prima organisations are suggested to use a more uninterrupted, flexible, business-planning tool by replacing the st iff budgeting with uninterrupted be aftering and calculating. This ensures that a controlled mechanism is ready to reexamine and modify scheme as fortunes change, and because concern schemes are considered on a regular footing it guarantees that all determination shapers have entree to any information they need ; how, where and when they need it. The terminal consequence is a far more advanced and nimble organisation which is able to accommodate to invariably altering market conditions ( ICCA, 2001 ) . Hypothesis 2: Top acting organisations have finance maps that deploy more advanced direction accounting patterns. Information is one of the most of import competitory advantages that houses can utilize in today ‘s invariably altering market conditions ( Mangaliso, 1995 ) . From the ‘Relevance lost ‘ , Johnson and Kaplan ( 1987 ) crictised that direction accounting had lost its relevancy because of inappropriate information proviso, which caused negative influence on company ‘ profitableness. As argued above, consumers presents can obtain information about the merchandises and services without national boundaries limitations thereby they value merchandise and services by non-financial operating public presentation indexs. With the customer-orientation doctrine, non-financial steps can be seen as an effectual tool organisation can utilize to react to economic force per unit areas ( Granlund, M. and K, Lukka. , 1998 ) . It has been discussed that the exclusive dependance on fiscal public presentation information will non needfully make better fiscal consequences, because suc h steps merely show the consequences of past activities. Non-financial steps, in contrast, can state the drivers that show the future fiscal public presentation. These steps are connected to subjects such as client satisfaction, the quality of overall productions, merchandise quality, quality of procedures and the steadfast public presentation in respects of clip and productiveness ( Banker et al. , 1993 ; Perera et al. , 1997 ) . Traditionally non-financial steps have been acquired in the operating maps of the house such as productiveness and assorted rhythm times in fabrication logistics, market portion and client ailments in selling ; and late by the quality map people with different types of quality steps. The increased usage of non-financial information places a important impact on MAs ‘ functions. This demonstrates a displacement of MAs ‘ focal point from feed-backward to existent clip, feed-forward orientation which stresses the importance of prognosis over existe nt against budgets comparings ( Granlund and Lukka, 1997 ) . MAs are hence expected to roll up, analyse and describe non-financial information in a signifier that satisfied the information needs of concern directors. During the last few old ages this issue has moved to the thought as to what would be the equal function of direction comptrollers in this regard. Burns and Baldvinsdottir ( 2007 ) stressed the function of MAs in associating monthly direction histories to the wider information spectrum. That is to state they had to associate the wider position of a concern, which is expressed in public presentation steps, with the narrower fiscal informations in direction histories. Although most anterior researches have been in favor of a positive association between the increased dependance on non-financial steps and organisational public presentation, the relationship is of obscure nature. Mia and Clarke ( 1999 ) claimed an indirect connexion between the competition strength in the ma rket and concern unit ‘s public presentation with the greater usage of direction accounting information. Davila ( 2000 ) and Chong and Chong ( 1997 ) found that the increased usage of non-financial information for concern units and public presentation were positively linked. However, Perera et Al. ( 1997 ) established that the usage of non-financial step had nil to make with the public presentation of an organisation under a customer-oriented fabrication scheme. Improved public presentation has resulted in houses that use flexible fabrication, and which besides place greater trust on non-financial fabrication steps ( Abernethy A ; Lillis, 1995 ; Sim A ; Killough, 1998 ) . Because information is now acknowledged as one of the most dominant tools that can significantly impact the corporations ‘ wealth, the direction accounting system is expected to present up-to-date information that can help directors to do reasoned and informed determinations, and to actuate end-users of that information to endeavor for organisational alteration ( Horngren, 1995 ) . Failure to depend on on proper accounting information may do resource direction to be uneffective and a gradual diminution in corporate public presentation. The 3rd hypothesis is as follows: Hypothesis 3: In top performing artists, MAs are seen to more engage in the activity of collect, analyse and describe non-financial information A transmutation from functional-/structure-focused to process-/product-focused Through commissariats of nucleus merchandises In the late eightiess, many houses adopted a client orientation in which MAs were meant to serve their internal clients. Siegel and Sorenson ( 1999 ) emphasised this function by giving an illustration that if a concern director asked for a fiscal information, MA would supply it even if they know more proper information would be demanded for an ideal concern solution. The MAs ‘ function has transformed from being a concern adviser to a ‘business spouse ‘ where MA is an equal participant of the decision-making squad. They have the right and besides the duty to inform a line director the ground why specific types of information might or might non be desired for a determination, and is expected to do recommendations on how to break the quality of that determination. In order to execute this concern partnering function MAs have moved from working in the finance silo which is isolated from the remainder of the concern to be physically situated in the operating concern uni ts with which they work. This inclination is a response to the uninterrupted arguments of client orientation and of the demand to replace the functional or departmental attacks of direction with the process-oriented 1. Working across the concern and flexible communicating over functional and departmental boundary lines is today regarded as one of the cardinal success factors ( Majchrzak and Wang, 1996 ) . Indeed, MAs now work on cross-departmental squads and have extended face-to-face interactions with non-accounting people across the organisation. Cross-functional squads are formed for a peculiar intent, such as to develop a new merchandise, or enhance work procedures and they are said to better the communicating, coordination and coherence ( Narver and Slater, 1990 ) . It is the integrating and coaction of a figure of functional parts in an organisation, with members of the squad come from different countries of the concern which allows a broad scope of different expertness, accomplishments and point of views to be brought to the undertaking. This vision can be maintained by a commercial partnering theoretical account that incorporates the cardinal internal clients of finance such as human resources, research and development and IT and selling. The execution of such squads is related with level organisational design and the greater liberty of lower-level directors and forces ( Chenhall A ; Langfield-Smith, 1998b ; Otley, 1994 ) . This displacement from centralised determination devising and hierarchal controls towards the al lotment of more authorization to lower degrees of concern is guarantee advanced and speedy responses in complex and dynamic environment. It has been said that the acceptance of team-based constructions helps organisations non merely to increase the flexibleness and velocity of a response, but besides to heighten the quality of that response ( Cohen, 1993 ) . A squad construction that allows finance – concern unit partnerships enables finance professionals to derive a deep apprehension of value drivers which help them trust their determinations on latent value and closely pull off the results of their determinations. Finance managers who master first-class proficient and operational accomplishments – are deployed to each concern unit to assist place value-generating chances. And thanks to their apprehension of the commercial positions of runing the concern, their finance activities can be more successfully linked to the organisational jussive moods. By being active in m easuring concern issues, pass oning across functional hierarchies and direction degrees, the more accurate, relevant and timely information is brought about ( Brouthers A ; Roozen, 1999 ; Coad, 1996 ) . By promoting a spouse relationship with all the maps in the concern and playing as a critical portion of the organisational decision-making procedures, MAs are expected to supply a alone facet and bring forth more value-added activities, which thereby easing improved public presentation ( Scott A ; Tiessen, 1999 ; Wooldridge A ; Floyd, 1990 ) . The nexus between cross-functional engagement and public presentation has been the chief subject of extant direction accounting empirical literature ; although budgetary engagement and occupation public presentation received attending of the bulk of work ( Chong A ; Johnson, 2007 ; Lau A ; Lim, 2002 ; Nouri A ; Parker, 1998 ; Parker A ; Kyj, 2006 ) . Anterior surveies sing engagement in strategic decision-making and organisational public presentation are scarce and slightly conflicting. In progressively competitory and unsure market contexts, the acceptance of inter-departmental squads help to guarantee a speedy and appropriate organisation ‘s response to environmental developments, thereby heightening public presentation ( Baines A ; Langfield-Smith, 2003 ; Scott A ; Tiessen, 1999 ) . Scott A ; Tiessen ( 1999 ) found that inter-functional engagement has an indirect positive influence the public presentation of squads through the use of more sophisticated public presenta tion steps. In contrast, Chenhall and Langfield-Smith ( 2003 ) conducted a case-study work and concluded that team-based enterprises did non look to better organisational public presentation. In fact, despite the importance of cross-departmental work, merely 20 % of the MAs in the study conducted by ICCA ( 2001 ) work entirely in concern units or split their clip between runing sections and finance section. In contrast, 80 % of the respondents surveyed said that they still work in their traditional location. As the anterior empirical work sing the consequence of cross-functional engagement on organisational public presentation is slightly scarce, the undermentioned Forth hypothesis has been chiefly drawn from what seems to be the conventional position: Hypothesis 4: In top performing artists, MAs are decentralized and being parts of operating sections In order to play concern partnering function and work in cross-functional squad across the concern, modern concern oriented direction comptrollers are required to hold a good apprehension of how a concern maps every bit good as the ability to pass on finance ‘s vision and scheme to the remainder of the organisation. MA ‘s ability to construct effectual concern and societal relationships with directors is of import to derive trust from direction, which so increases their likeliness of deriving entree to back uping resources, of going involved in the rating of assorted options for the strategic way at concern unit and corporate degrees, and in taking portion in the pick of strategic methods. Nathan birnbaums and Baldvinsdottir ( 2007 ) agreed with this thought by observing that although the proficient accounting accomplishments such as stewardship and control remain basically of import ; there is a turning accent on the new sets of accomplishments particularly a wide concer n apprehension. Hypothesis 5: In top performing artists, MAs have concrete apprehension of the concern and how it operates Through commissariats of support services Traditionally, MAs were non members in the determination devising procedure. Alternatively, they functioned as support staff to supply support services for the determination shapers and were frequently communicated about the determinations after-the-fact. They spend the majority of their clip in the mechanical parts of accounting. They use manual procedure to sum and equilibrate pages of multi-column paper spread sheets. By presuming the undertaking of fixing budgets, look intoing disbursal studies, bring forthing stock list studies, and bring forthing standardised fiscal statements, they were the bean counters, the scorers, the corporate bulls of organisation. By carry throughing such traditional accounting function, they were referred as the fiscal records keeper or the historiographers of the organisation. The alteration of direction accounting now placed a minimal focal point on twenty-four hours to twenty-four hours accounting undertakings although these activities remain basica lly of import ( Burns and Baldvinsdottir, 2007 ) . There is a turning concern that more clip should be released so that MAs can concentrate on strategic analysis, determination support and other value-added activities. One manner of making this is through restructuring of finance map by centralising dealing treating into shared services centres or concern procedure outsource. This demonstrates the centralisation of traditional accounting activities in the organisations. Although the usage of sourcing activities are seen more of an efficiency engine, it should be viewed, within the range of this survey, as a tool to let go of the clip of MAs so that they can concentrate more on analyzing, construing information and playing as concern spouses A shared service Centre is defined as ‘The concentration of company resources executing like activities, typically dispersed across the organisation, in order to service multiple internal parties at lower cost and with higher service degrees, with the common end of pleasing external clients and heightening corporate value ‘ ( Schulman, Dunleavy, Harmer and Lusk 1999 ) . Another statement is that ‘Shared services is a collaborative scheme in which a subset of bing concern maps are concentrated in a new, semi-autonomous concern unit that has a direction construction designed to advance efficiency, value coevals, cost nest eggs and improved service for internal clients of the parent corporation, like a concern viing in the unfastened market ‘ ( Bergeron 2003 ) . When portion services delivers are executed right, the cost is reduced and the service to the concerns is improved owing to the usage of procedures standardisation and bring forthing a service civilizatio n in the Centre. The procedures that are insistent and transaction-based such as paysheet, histories collectible, fixed assets, general legers, histories receivable, general leger and hard currency are the 1s that are ideally appropriate to be conducted in shared services Centres. Such procedures could be standardised in an administration because they are fundamentally the same no affair what the sector and location. But there are more than merely cost advantage of shared service Centres. It is together with other support tools like information engineering, can be seen to let go of the clip of MAs so that they can concentrate on analysing, construing information and playing as concern spouses. There is small understanding in respects of whether some other procedures, such as direction coverage could be carried out in shared service Centres or non. Some emphasize that standard studies and discrepancy analysis can be standardized in a shared services Centres. KPMG ( 2006 ) supported t his position by calculating that everyday direction coverage will be a peculiar growing country in the usage of shared service Centres, as organisations pursue the betterment of direction information quality. Others oppose this thought by reasoning that such procedures must be conducted in concern units to vouch the staff has the ownership of the issues and hence increase the committedness to the accomplishment of such procedures. Even though the acceptance of shared services Centres is predicted to lift well, preponderantly in the country of dealing processing, everyday direction coverage, regulative conformity procedures and investing direction, the usage of shared service Centres is besides increasing for less standardised procedures like concern public presentation analysis meaning the greater assurance every bit good as edification in the theoretical account of shared services ( KPMG, 2006 ) . Shared service theoretical accounts have become loosely accepted as an efficiency eng ine without the hazards related with concern procedure outsourcing. General, the great advantage of shared service theoretical account when compared with out-sourcing is that it should be possible to heighten efficiency and effectivity of the bringing of service while at the same clip there is no loss of control or dependence that are side effects of concern procedure outsourcing theoretical account. To the contrary, concern procedure outsourcing theoretical account for finance are said to be in its early phase and less widespread than other support maps such as information engineering. However, it still represents an emerging tool for standardize everyday processing ( KPMG, 2006 ) . Business procedure outsourcing is non a new construct and many concern maps presents are outsourced. Typical illustrations comprise of paysheet processing, human resources, information engineering, belongings direction and services and revenue enhancement conformity. Some organisations have besides outsourced all of their dealing processing, clerking and accounting. Business procedure outsourcing enables the concern to concentrate on its strategic issues by let go ofing resources from non-core activities. The efficiency gained would cut down the costs and raise profitableness so that more financess can be reinvested in nucleus and value-added activities. The future outlook is that the tendency in out sourcing will go on to derive foothold and more energy will be saved because the clip finance people will pass on transactional or control activities would diminish well ( Danko, 2009 ) . Hypothesis 6: In top performing artists, more everyday accounting activities are centralised into shared servicew Centres or concern procedure outsourcing How to cite Competitive Advantage And Enhancing Business Performance Accounting Essay, Essay examples
Handbook Of Search Effective Communication -Myassignmenthelp.Com
Question: Discuss About The Handbook Of Search Effective Communication? Answer: Introducation This article provides that there is a strong role of emotional intelligence in the transformational leadership style of a project manager. The primary responsibility of a project manager is the achievement of project objectives by performing the role of a leader. For the accomplishment of such objectives, an integrated approach is required to be adopted. This approach assists in focusing on the emotional and rational aspects of the project. Therefore, this article studies the linkages between transformational leadership styles and emotional intelligence abilities of a project manager. This linkage is under the project management and systems thinking approach. Moreover, the tremendously changing business environment results in the redesigning of systems in order to decrease costs. It also necessitates the speeding up of product development along with focused attention on the satisfaction of the customers. This requires the utilization of project management for the implementation of st rategic initiatives through projects (Leban Zulauf, 2004). The article also highlights that project management is the assistance provided by various activities such as planning, developing and controlling that are required to be completed in order to meet the objectives of the project. The role of the project manager is critical to the success of the project. It also specifies the abilities required in the thinking process of project managers along with other qualities in order to perform the effective management of the project. The leadership role performed by the project manager is considered to be a proactive job where the project managers must possess the capability to understand what drives people (Bryman, Collinson, Grint, Jackson Bien, 2011). They should also possess the ability to enlist the self-interest of the people for the accomplishment of goals and objectives of the project. The leaders that engage in the transformational behaviors produce positive outcomes in the organization. This article assists in coming to a conclusion that transformational leadership style of a project manager has a progressive influence on actual project performance. It also provides that emotional intelligence ability of the project manager makes a great contribution to the transformational leadership style (Clarke, 2010). In other words, there are a various connections between transformational leadership style and emotional intelligence abilities. The transformational leadership has an inspirational motivation component which is related with emotional intelligence. Individual consideration and idealized influence components of transformational leadership are related with strategic use of emotional intelligence. However, the component of laissez-faire and transactional leadership has negative relationship with understanding emotions and strategic emotional intelligence. The measurement of emotional intelligence is suggested by the capability of managing and understanding sentiments. Such measurement can follow without recognizing emotional state or completely undergoing them (Rezvani, et. al., 2016). Also, effective leadership has interpersonal skills as an integral part since more service oriented industries have come into existence nowadays. Therefore, leadership roles help in motivating and inspiring others along with fostering positive attitudes at work (Ramchunder Martins, 2014). It also creates a sense of contribution the stakeholders and team members. This article demonstrates various concepts such as diamond model which is also known as four wheel drive model. The four wheels or elements of diamond model are self, others, task and organization. The self element of diamond model specifies the personal characteristics of a leader. In order to be an effective leader, good oration, good looks and charisma are not enough. The others element consist of the people the leader is trying to convince. It highlights the kind of relationship that the leader shares with the people which mean the ability to influence them. The task element represents the possible initiatives, topics and issues that might be focused by the leader. The organization element represents all the aspects of an organization such as control systems, hiring systems, promotion systems, etc. The articles also demonstrates the career concept which signifies that the decision making and thinking of people is grouped in three categories namely anticipated stability of career field, anticipated direction of movement in career and anticipated duration of staying in a career field. The answers to these questions give rise to four career concepts- linear concept, expert concept, spiral concept and transitory concept which shows the relationship between power and status and time. This article also provides for VABE (values, assumptions, beliefs and expectations) concept. This concept specifies that in todays organizations, the leaders are required to influence the employees in order to be motivated. This means that their commitment towards high level performance cannot result by simply telling them what to do or through a power relationship. This concept focuses on the expectation that fulfillment of the motivational needs of followers will result in better outcomes. The transformational leadership model focuses on the accomplishment of the leader rather than the characteristics of the leader (Shelton, 2012). The models of transformational leadership includes Howard Gardener, Warren Bennis, Peter Senge, Stephen Covey and John Whitmore. These models have shared focus on the idea that transformation is important in todays era. Those leaders will considered as the best who can effectively lead the change. The transformational leader assists in raising the awareness of people along with helping them to look beyond their self- interests. They help people in identifying the requirement for change along with searching for self- fulfillment. Such mangers are committed to greatness by adopting a broad and long- range perspective. However, the greater coverage of the concept often results in lack of concept clarity. The article considers the development of transformational leaders in an organization on priority basis. This development will bring about a va riety of positive results associated with such leadership. The article mainly throws light upon the emotional intelligence theory which assists in identifying, understanding and selecting the way people think, feel and act (Humphrey, Ashforth Diefendorff, 2015). It also helps in shaping the interactions with others along with setting priorities and majority of daily actions (Harms Crede, 2010). In other words, emotional intelligence theory defines the ability which helps in understanding and handling own sentiments along with the emotions of others. It sets the objective of the leader on completing the tasks in a successful manner. This is done by keeping the teams together along with managing the team individually with the view to ensure everyones happiness (Stough, Saklofske Parker, 2009). It also elaborates theories for becoming a good leader. It is specifies in the form of a leadership style named transformational leadership (Alkahtani, 2015). Transformational leadership theory brings about a change in the individuals along with the relative change in the social systems. It also enhances the morale, motivation and performance of the followers by a number of mechanisms. It shows that transformational leadership has four elements namely intellectual stimulation, individualized consideration, idealized influence and inspirational motivation. The contingency theory is represented in the article where leaders are expected to adopt the approaches in accordance with the suitability with given situation. The situation can be either internal or external. The application of own style is made to the correct situation by the contingent leader. A leadership style can also be referred to as a permanent aspect of behavior in which the incorporation of modifications is difficult. Therefore there are two types of leaders- task motivated (where main concern is the goal achievement) and relationship motivated (where development of close interpersonal relations is the main concern). Moreover, the dynamics of the situation is identified by main factors- task structure, position power and leader-member relations. The contingency theory also evolves the leader- match concept which provides for the improvement in the effectiveness of the leadership. Such improvement means making changes in the situation in order to match the leader or moving the leader to a situation that matches. Moreover, expectancy theory of motivation is elaborated in the article which provides the behavior of an individual in a certain manner due to the motivation of selecting certain behavior. Such selection is made over other behaviors due to some expectations from the selected result. The desirability of the outcome becomes the basis of determination of motivation for selection of the behavior. In other words, people are motivated to perform those things that they are capable of doing. They only do it when they expect the receipt of a reward that is valued by the. This means there is no motivation if the reward is not valued by them. Transformational leadership performs the role of motivating the supporters by way of appealing to their emotions regardless of its end effects and does not take into account the positive moral values (Lang, 2011). For the purpose of bringing about change, transformational leadership promotes the values of honesty, loyalty, fairness along with end values of equality, justice and human rights (Gilbert, 2012). It is believed that there is a requirement for improvement in shared valued, norms, and belief that assist in shaping the thinking and actions of project managers. A key role in the success of the organization can therefore be played by the leadership and emotional intelligence of the project manager (Normore Anthony, 2016). The emotions and moods of the important stakeholders assist the project managers in deciding the useful strategies or the manner of their presentation. It is believed that the effectiveness of project managers is not only dependent upon experience and skills but also on the personal characteristics required for the achievement of integration (Barbuto Burbach, 2006). Therefore, it is believed that traditional management skills such as planning, developing and controlling are not enough for the effective management of the project. It is also believed that inexperience project managers who possessed those characteristics which were difficult to develop but required for the purpose of managing the projects were expected to rapidly transform into effective project managers. On the other hand, people with great understanding, skills and know-how in project management that lack those characteristics were less expected to be effective leaders. Leaders that undertake transformational leadership activities are expected to show a number of positive results (Northouse, 2015). When trust and confidence are developed by the followers in their leaders along with taking steps for meeting the organizational mission, then exceptional levels of performance can be achieved by them. From the system point of view, the efforts made by the project manager in one area contribute towards assisting in the whole project. It is further believed that by addressing the systems thinking tools with project variables, the knowledge gap can be reduced between the cross functional team members. This can be done by way of getting together for the purpose of analyzing project activities. The development of the project plan will integrate all the activities of a project along with all its workings. It will help in understanding the project at the level of systems thinker. This will include the patterns of events, shared vision and systematic structure a nd assist the project manager in optimizing the efficiency of the project team. Better decisions will automatically result from the mixture of better understanding of the development of relationships between the team members and the suitability of project activities. The article argues regarding relationship between effective leadership and emotional intelligence. The accomplishment of a project depends upon both emotional and rational aspects (Lawlor, Batchelor Abston, 2015). The cognitive system is combined by emotional intelligence which positions the leader to understand the emotional system (Hernon, Giesecke Alire, 2007). The changes in the business environment can be met by the project manager by providing leadership with emotional intelligence. Strategic initiatives and projects are required to be commanded by project managers for adapting to changing business environment conditions. Therefore, the identification of connections between transformational leadership styles and emotional intelligence abilities will provide various career development and professional opportunities to the project managers and organization. The article also argues regarding the most difficult task of management i.e. the management of human behaviors. This task is elaborated as interesting as well as challenging. The improvement in the quality or thinking and learning can be assisted by systems thinking. This also leads towards improvement in the quality of action undertaken along with the results. In order to be successful, behavioral repertoire is needed by the leaders along with the ability for making correct role selection for the situation. For this purpose, both cognitive and behavioral flexibility and complexity are needed by the leaders. The argument is effective as proved by the study conducted between 24 project managers who were associated in different projects in six organizations from different industries. The systems approach helped in analyzing the interaction of the systems components along with the decisions made in the interest of the organization. The results of the study supported in coming to a conclusion that transformational leadership style of the project manager has an affirmative influence on the real performance of project (Avolio Yammarino, 2013). But this process begins with the emotional intelligence skill of a project manager which subsequently contributes towards the transformational leadership style and then towards actual project performance. Moreover, the accomplishment of the transformational project management is done by having results focused project managers instead of activity focused project managers. The emotional intelligence abilities assist in developing relationships in accordan ce with social and personal needs. This is effective as the training in behavioral and cognitive aspects of transformational leadership has the capacity for improving the leadership by improving the sensitivity and understanding along with regulation of emotions. This process enables the project managers to utilize the linkage to the greatest advantage (Du Plessis, Wakelin Nel, 2015). Therefore, the argument made in the article is effective which is proved by the study conducted. It shows that the actual project performance is enhanced through the use of emotional intelligence abilities and transformational leadership styles (Maamari Majdalani, 2017). If these areas are further studied, it will help in identifying content for training programs and appropriate education. References Alkahtani, A.H., 2015. 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Friday, May 1, 2020
A Critique on Fat Acceptance
Question: Write aboutA Critique on Fat Acceptance. Answer: Introduction Fat Acceptance: A Basic Primer by the Vancouver-based author Cynara Geissler is a remonstration against the relentless pursuit of conforming to the socially approved body structure by paining ones body and soul (3). Appearing in Geez Magazine for the first time this essay germinates new energy in the fat-acceptance movement in 21st century. The author in this essay heavily protests against food moralizing and idealizing a certain parameter for body dimension. It has been an important issue indeed in the contemporary world, where everything including human body is being precariously rhapsodized under the influence of glamour industry. The author precisely points out the perils of blindly following the ideal of a thin body pleasing to the eyes of society and presents her argument on how this vain pursuit has been affecting the overall physical and mental health of the people. Geissler happens to be a staunch supporter of fat acceptance movement since she herself has experienced the consequences of hazardous dieting due to the plight of mind body shaming caused to her. She describes how people crossing the limit of size and weight dictated by the fashion magazines or movies become victims of societys pre-conceived notions. They are often termed as lazy, undisciplined, incapable and out of control for no good reason (Geissler 2). Ironically, this adverse pressure comes from the health and diet industry itself who oblivion of the fact that health is to be fit and strong and not conforming to a particular body shape consistently tends to criticize the term fat. This has made the stigma of fat so ingrained in the minds of people that they forget to be tolerant of even normal sized people, The West, especially the U.S., operates under gendered ideas of beauty that emphasize thinness as the ideal body type (Williams 15). Apart from people in the society, this obsession also works in the persons who look at themselves with the eyes of established norms and start condemning their own body. Thus begins the relentless process of dieting and losing of weight without caring about the very idea of health. This compelling pressure comes from the very circle of misinformed friends, relatives and health care professionals who try to fit the non-conforming people into the size boxes which glamour industry has created over the years (Clair et al. 230). Sometimes this vain pursuit results in deadly consequence to the body or if not that leaves the mind in a dispirited state. The inevitable reaction that they develop for their body is self-denigration and an intense revulsion for their own self, which arise out of the rejection they face in their social existence (Bombak 15). This increases an inclination to the falsely advertised solutions claiming to fix ones body; undoubtedly, this business trend capitalizing o n the degrading approach to human body is harmful beyond imagination. The fat acceptance movement has, therefore, immense importance in this context since it primarily teaches people to be tolerant of all body sizes and weight as well as rejects all myths that make people suffer in the name of diet. The movement, which includes all successful professionals from different fields, questions about efficacy of shame as a motivational tool; quoting Allison it can be said that suffering does not ennoble; it destroys. It shatters not only the necessity of the compelling act of repentance in food and working habits but denies the efficacy of self-sacrifice to achieve the self-styled success of possessing a perfect body (Geissler 2). We can fairly agree to the idea of accepting fat because undoubtedly it is a noble initiative. Fat shaming does not really do anything positive for ones body rather only builds up hostility and aversion between the obese person and the rest of the society. By the virtue of the movement, people have relearned to live their life with out being worried about the social fixity- thinner is better. It entitles body autonomy to a person and reaffirms the fact that the concept of health is not necessarily affixed to any specific size or weight. In addition, fat acceptance endows a person with all the gratification about oneself and grants access to an enjoyable life. Probably the most important reason for agreeing to Geisslers idea of fat acceptance is that it formulates acceptance to Health at Every Size (Geissler 3). Besides, the movement has always emphasized liberty in the choice of food, personal presentation and physical activity that gives forth the need of that person and mere imitation of body shaming views. While we can agree to the most part of Geisslers views, there remains some domains in her essay that are likely to catch objections. She takes body autonomy to another level where she has almost denied the necessity of having healthy food at times. According to her experience, having healthy food and working out has been a punishment whereas it cannot be denied that these things are intrinsic to a fit and healthy body. The autonomy of food may catalyze the peril of obesity but surprisingly the author evades such a significant relevant issue in this context. On the other hand, the idea of Health at Every Size seems to be very vague in the essay. While it proclaims that, having anorexia cannot be considered as a sign of health and that it is damage for the body, it continues to maintain the idea of an extremely obese person being capable of leading an active life despite the diseased physical condition. In fact, both the extreme poles of weight scale are equally dangerous and the essay has missed to profess this vital medical truth. Apart from this, food addiction often leads to serious medical problems, which the fat acceptant people either consciously or unconsciously do not admit. Thinking that ones own body is his or her own business and the person can feed it to any extent is entirely a misconception for it really cannot be approved to feed oneself to ill health. This is especially applicable to the rapidly increasing child obesity problem all over the world and the major cause aggravating the problem is the arbitrary food habit among children. It should not be that the fat acceptance movement carries any wrong message to them making them ailing and sedentary. The movement of fat liberation, therefore, must not give opportunity to people to be unapologetic and remain gratified despite their excess weight. Having discussed all the aspects of the essay, both that have been explored and those of the possible approaches that have been missed by the author it can be concluded that approving fat is not the goal but accepting the fat ones as equal is. The author successfully holds up the idea that it is high time the fat people accept their body image in a positive light instead of constantly living in the shadow of a fat-fearing culture. The concept of Health at Every Size necessarily involves spontaneous yet conscious eating while regulating weight at the same time. Therefore, while acknowledging the words of Geissler, it can be stated that there is nothing indecent and degrading in a fat body that should be associated with shame and subjected to agonizing diet and excruciating physical exercise. Rather, as the author conveys, fat acceptance is that one revolutionary idea that advocates tolerance, size acceptance, equality for all body types, weight neutrality and most significantly body p ositivity. References: Bombak, Andrea E. "The Contribution Of Applied Social Sciences To Obesity Stigma-Related Public Health Approaches". 2014. Clair, Matthew, Caitlin Daniel, and Michle Lamont. "Destigmatization and health: Cultural constructions and the long-term reduction of stigma."Social Science Medicine165 (2016): 223-232. Geissler, Cynara. "Fat Acceptance: A Basic Primer". Geezmagazine.Org, 2010, Williams, Apryl A. "Fat People of Color: Emergent Intersectional Discourse Online."Social Sciences6.1 (2017): 15.
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