Sunday, January 26, 2020
Life Of Omar Bin Al Khatab
Life Of Omar Bin Al Khatab History is the manifestation of mans will; it changes its course when an ordinary man shows immensely strong will power and thats how an ordinary man becomes a legend. Omar Bin Al-Khatab was one such character. He seems to have changed the course of history with his own will. Omar is regarded as most important figures in history of Islam and the true architect of Islamic Empire. Historical accounts prove him to be one of the greatest conquerors, a wise and just ruler and a man known for his simple lifestyle and love of God. Omar become the second Muslim ruler after death of Muhammad and ruled for 10 years. He was a leading adviser to the Islamic prophet Muhammad Omar was a great admirer and companion of the Prophet Mohammed. Omar converted to Islam after 6 years of Mohammeds first revelation and spent 18 years accompanying the Prophet. He succeeded the first caliph Abu Bakr on 23 rd of august 634 as the second caliph and changed the historical edifice of Islamic history. Rising from the rank of a shepherd and a petty merchant he became the true architecture of the Islamic civilization. (Wikipedia, 2011) Early life His mothers name was Hantammah and fathers name was Khattab ibn Nufayl, from the tribe of Banu Makhzum. Omar was born to a middle class family and when he was a child his father put him to the task of grazing camels. His father was a tough taskmaster, and Omar often recalled how his father beaten him up mercilessly whenever there was a mistake on his part. It seems that Omar grew up as a typical Arab boy -a tall young man with a robust physique and impressive persona. It is believed that among the Quraish of those days only 17 people were able to read and write and Omar was one of them. He was very intelligent and had a towering personality, intellectually and physically as well. He was a good public speaker. By all available accounts he seemed to be an average Arab youth .At the same time he was gifted with self-respect, a broad-mind and a strong sense of justice. He appeared to be a man of strong convictions, a good friend, and a bad enemy. He was always ready to stand up against the oppressor and advocate the cause of the weak. Later in his youth he took up the traditional profession of a trader. As a trader, he travelled extensively to Syria, Iraq, and Yemen, Rome and Persia and other places as well. He was a good trader; he made good money and developed a good geopolitical understanding of the region as well while travelling. (Islamic Point) Omar converted to Islam in 616, before that he was the fiercest opponent of Islam. Interestingly, he resolved to kill Prophet Mohammed to finish Islam completely .He believed that the advent of new faith of Islam will break the unity of Quraish. Omar was the most adamant and very cruel in persecuting Muslims. Converting to Islam In the year 616 Umar got converted to Islam. Once he read the verses of Quran, he was so impressed by the divinity of the verses he accepted Islam on that very same day in front of the prophet and his companions. Omars conversion gave confidence to the Muslims and they felt powered. It was seen as the victory of Islam, Muslims didnt offer prayers at al-harem mosque until Omar accepted Islam (Abdullah bin Masoud, n.d.). Because of all this the Prophet himself gave him the title of Al-Farooq, one who distinguishes true from falsehood. Now Islam was gaining popularity; in 622 A.D. because of the increasing popularity of Islam in Medina, Mohammed ordered his followers to migrate to Medina. Omar also went to Medina. Muslims lived peacefully in Medina for approximately a year before Quraish army attacked Medina .Omar played key role in the battles between Quraish and Muslims. (Encyclopedia) Caliphate He succeeded the first caliph Abu Bakr in 634A.D. and played a key role in shaping the history of Islam. Under him the Islamic Empire was expanded at a rate that could only be compared to the great Roman Empire. His ruling abilities, administrative skills and his intelligently coordinated attacks against the Persian Empire resulting in the conquest of the Persian Empire, established him as a great military and political leader of the era. But it was not very easy for him to get things under control as he was not a popular figure because of his strictness and autocratic nature. Abu Bakrs companions initially discouraged the idea of caliphate of Omar but Abu Bakr had other plans and he assured his high ranking companions that once Omar becomes caliph he would be a changed man. Omar was very clear and did conveyed that he will be soft with them who followed the rules and would be harsh and rude with those who wont follow the same. He wanted the well being of the poor and underprivileged; because of his populist policies he rapidly gained popularity. (Encyclopedia) Political and civil administration Umars government was a unitary government; Caliph had the supreme political authority. His empire was divided into autonomous and provinces. Provinces were divided into districts. There were 100 districts in the territory of Umar. The Wali (Provincial governors) were the administrator of these provinces, which were recruited by Umar. These were the officers position at the provincial level was which were appointed by Omaror the provincial governors: Katib (Chief Secretary), Sahib-ul-Kharaj, (Revenue Collector), Sahib-ul-Ahdath, (Police chief), Sahib-Bait-ul-Mal (Treasury Officer) and Qadi (Chief Judge). In some of the districts there were separate military officers. The Commander of the army in most of the places remained the same and that was the Governor (Wali). Whenever the appointed anyone they used to do that all in writing. Nothing was without paperwork. When they were trying to appoint or appointed Wali the instrument of instructions was made to the regulating conduct of Governors. (Wikipedia, 2010) Military expansion Omar was one of the greatest administrators of his era. Omar believed in consolidating his power and political influence. With the proper guidance of Umar, Islamic took a vast change and grew big time as a very fast rate. He introduced several administrative reforms; he made a Shura (consultative) council and sought advice from them on matters of state affairs. He divided the huge Islamic empire in different provinces and appointed a governor who was answerable to caliph. The Governors were supposed to help in administration and whosoever used their office to get rich was severely punished. As a Caliph, Omar was ready to accept and adopt what was good in other civilizations as well. Wherever possible, he tried to learn from others and adopted the advanced techniques and administrative practices of the conquered people as well. For example, when Persia was conquered, Windmills were in extensive use in Persia, Omar ordered the construction of windmills in several Arab provinces, including Medina. For the first time military was organized professionally and made a state department. Finance, accounting, taxation and treasury departments were created for the first time in the Islamic Empire. Police, prisons and postal units were established. (Islamic Point) Reforms Agriculture was promoted during his caliphate. Irrigation system was reformed; old canals were excavated and new ones built. Large areas of land were brought under cultivation. Roads were built and were regularly patrolled. A traveler could move with safety on the roads of the huge Islamic Empire. When Omar became the Caliph of Islam, most of the countries economy was based on slavery. Omar was the one who raised his voice against slavery. He took specific measure to eliminate slavery as far as possible. The huge territories of Islamic Empire West Asia and North Africa were transformed into a free trade zone. Business brought prosperity. Omar understood the importance of education; education was encouraged and teachers were paid well. The study of Quran, Hadith, language and literature and calligraphy received patronage from the Empire. Omar was himself a poet and an impressive orator. He constructed Over 4,000 mosques during his Caliphate. Technology and new administrative practices such as the construction of windmills, formation of accounting department were encouraged. In the empire new roads were laid out and old ones were repaired. Omar organized a population census in the Empire following the example of the china. Islamic dominions extended progressively during the caliphate of Umar, almost 4000 mosques were constructed. He provided lights to the mosques and superior cloth to cover the Kaaba. It happened in the year 638 that Arabia fell into drought which was also been then followed by a famine. To make this change and to make it better Umar tried many things out of which one was hosting dinner every night. It was about more than hundred thousand people who used to come for the dinner every night. Conditions began to improve in early 639. When famine ended then Umar went to see and guide the people. Not only he guided but also gave good amount, rations and also exempted them from tax (zakat) for that year and the year following it. Omer went for hajj in Mecca when he was assassinated. He was assassinated in response to the Muslim conquest of Persia, by a Persian in 644. Assassination of Umar was been assigned by Abu Lulu. The history of Omar shows and explains many things. He was a man with great powers of mind. He was very rigid in making justice and with inflexible integrity.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Varieties of English
Varieties of English, such as Singlish, have an important role to play in contemporary society. Discuss. Different varieties of English, such as the interesting variety used in Singapore, known as ‘Singlish’, have an important role to play in our modern society. Singlish in particular serves as a unifying tongue between the diverse cultures and ethnic groups that reside on the island. Although disapproved by the government, it continues to convey a unique Singaporean identity and a taste of the local flavour. It does this through the distinctive use of phonology, syntax and lexicon, together working to bring a whole new variety of English itself. The phonology used by Singlish speakers characteristically defines the identity of Singapore. It does this by effectively adding a ‘local flavour’ to what may seem like normal English words. Singlish speakers often simplify their consonant clusters, to make speaking easier on the grounds that it may not be said in their own language i. e. In Chinese or Tamil. A good example of this would be the way that the consonant cluster ‘th’ is pronounced. A normal English speaker would pronounce the lexical term thing as ‘thing’ as opposed to the more Singlish way; ‘ting’, changing the place and manner of articulation from the harder to say dental, to the easier alveolar. They may also omit final consonants in words, for example the lexical term ‘about’ may be expressed as much simpler ‘abou-‘, completely getting rid of the stop. Both these examples help to convey the uniqueness of Singlish as a new variety of English. The syntactical use of language in Singlish makes the links and most importantly, the differences of the new language to English evident. It does this in multiple ways. A habit of many Singlish speakers is to add conjunctions to the end of sentences. A good example can be taken from a scene from the hit Singlish show named ‘I Not Stupid’. While the parents are disciplining their daughter the janitor interjects with a cheeky ‘Haha, my parents used to say that also’, ‘also’ being tacked onto the end of the phrase rather than its familiar place between the words ‘parents’ and ‘used’. It is also common to see a Singlish speaker using the incorrect negatives terms in certain sentences. Another example from ‘I Not Stupid’, helps to show this when the mother exclaims â€Å"Can you don’t mess up my table? using a contraction, ‘don’t’, in place of the adverb ‘not’. In this way, the distinctive use of syntax in the language of Singlish clearly labels its individuality. The use of lexicon in Singlish subconsciously expresses the local flavour of the language and its speakers. Lexical terms are used in a way that is different to many other varieties or English, making it individual and ‘home grown’. One of the most distinctive ways in which Singlish differs to Standard English is the use of discourse particles. The use of ‘lah’ and ‘ne’ in many contexts keeps the language different and interesting. They can be used in contexts from ‘Why you so silly lah? ’ to ‘Stop it lah! Don’t ask who lah! ’ when used with different intonations, conveying completely different emotions. Also, the use of repetition to reiterate and emphasise is one that is not usually used in Standard English, making the language unique to many other such varieties. In the ‘Macmillan English Language’ Text Book, in conversation, it is mentioned; â€Å"Don’t ask who, why you ask ask ask? †effectively conveying the emphasis that the speaker wanted to put on the phrase, whereas in normal conversation, we wouldn’t repeat the same word three times to gain someone’s attention! Thus is not hard to see how the special way in which lexical terms are used in Singlish differ to Standard English substantially, and at the same time conveys its uniqueness in society. Singlish, and other varieties of new English, have a very significant role to play in contemporary society. With the simplifying of consonant clusters and omitting final consonants, the distinct phonology of this variety of English gives a sense ‘home grown-ness’ that is expressively different to that of Standard English. In the syntactical sense, adding conjunctions to end of sentences and the improper use of negative words help to distinguish Singlish from other varieties and to show the local flavour that is present in Singapore. Similarly, the uniqueness of the language is shown through the various discourse particles used by its speakers and the use of repetition for emphasis. Despite differences in the language of Singlish to Standard English, these differences are the ones that make the language interesting, unique and most importantly, noteworthy in our modern society.
Friday, January 10, 2020
The Problem Solution Essay Topics for College Game
The Problem Solution Essay Topics for College Game Hence, you've been provided with the simplest topic for problem solution essays, you can decide on any on of the aforementioned and get started writing your essay very quickly. Otherwise, it is going to defeat the function of the essay itself, and that's to help resolve an issue. Issue arrangement essay is a type of an exploration paper in which you portray a particular issue and try to discover a way of comprehending it. If you're writing an argumentative essay it's important that you write on a topic that you have knowledge about and you believe you are able to win over the audience with your arguments. Although no computer software may be able to actually tell if an essay was purchased online, don't forget that the language of the essay may give your teacher a hint about whether it's been written by you. Additionally, when writing an essay, it is likewise required to think about selecting a topic that has a viable or practical solution. Remember your essay is about solving problems, therefore a solution ought to be a highlight of the essay. If you're writing a persuasive essay, be certain to give reasons why one solution is the very best option. The Secret to Problem Solution Essay Topics for College A recent article with a reference to the 3 body problem and its connection to predictability is an illustration of how popular science misconceptions locate their way to finance and investments. The range of paragraphs are determined by the quantity of solutions. By way of example, pornography sites may be accessible to them since they can register with a website and claim to be an adult. If you're discussing crime it might be the police. Below, you will discover interesting suggestions for your middle school, higher school, and college writings. During the duration of your academic career, whether at school or university, you'll probably have to write a minumum of one problem solution essay. Now that you've so many problem solution topics for middle school, higher school, and sometimes even college projects, we're sure your essay writing will be a lot simpler. You don't need to agree with the student to understand their viewpoint. Facts, Fiction and Problem Solution Essay Topics for College Taking a look at the world in various lights is among the most crucial things one can do in the pursuit of growth. College is my very first step to accomplish my dream. To begin with, you've got to consider about problems that irritate you and other people each and every day. There are many problems, even on your own campus, that have to be resolved. In the very first paragraph, you can want to use a vocabulary of cause and effect to spell out why the problem exists. You will have to first analyse the question carefully to make sure that you realize what you are being requested to do. There's no use in bringing up a problem without suggesting ideas about how to solve it. You ought to be affirmative once you state the argument topic. After all, a decent problem-solution essay makes a sense of immediacy on the portion of the readers to deal with the problem identified. The very best problem-solution essays will make a feeling of urgency and lead the reader to become interested in solving the issue. As a way to use transition words more effectively, the author should be aware of what they are and when to utilize it appropriately. To convince readers to act on the matter, he can also include possible consequences if the problem is not resolved in the quickest possible time. The Ultimate Problem Solution Essay Topics for College T rick Identifying an issue and proposing one or more solutions ought to be a crucial element in your essay. Advantages or disadvantages to every solution ought to be included, together with feasibility of the proposed solutions. The very best problem-solution topics are interesting and can be seen from several perspectives, but are additionally not so broad that a remedy to the issue is not possible to imagine. Selecting a problem solution essay topic is just one of the most crucial stages because the success of your work depends upon it greatly. The Importance of Problem Solution Essay Topics for College Poverty is an immense social problem and governments should take action to eradicate poverty. Future results of the problem can be applied as leverage for the call to action. The degree of the problem also has to be described, in addition to the impacts of the issue and potential consequences of permitting the problem to continue unsolved. With us, you can fix any issue eas ily! You can't count on YOUR logic winning, even if you're in a balanced mind-set. To the majority of disciplines and professions, problem solving is a simple means of thinking. What's the issue at the moment because of Justin Bieber. As an example, telling readers they're to blame if they do nothing to address the predicament is a sure-fire means to lose readers. The Awful Side of Problem Solution Essay Topics for College Creating an essay isn't an easy task that demands time, patience, and knowledge. Although it's common, student has to acquire right to become great grades. At a particular age, students have various abilities and knowledge which they should apply. Where to Find Problem Solution Essay Topics for College In all honesty, paying someone to compose your essay isn't ideal. At precisely the same time, ensure each new point logically results in the subsequent one. There's nothing related to 1940s film studies in the majority of real-life situations today. Yo u're inviting the student that will help you fight that enemy. Try to remember that you want to opt for a correct problem solution essay format to create a thriving work. Therefore, students need to work quite difficult so as to develop a practical solution for virtually any problem. When you need to earn an issue and solution essay, it's important to get a very clear plan to earn good work. Given that an issue and solution essay is important as a helpful tool, not even a single goal that guarantees that the objective is achieved ought to be ignored. The more specific an issue, the more probable it is going to have very clear and specific solution. Before starting to compose your answer, you ought to think of 1-2 problems and 1-2 solutions, and that means you know what things to write about. State issue and explain why a solution has to be figured out. You've got to present the present problem to your readers and explain why it is a significant issue that wants a solution. Should you look around, you will observe social troubles that affect society each and every day. The issue ought to be clearly defined, and the sources for the problem ought to be identified if at all possible. Another significant problem is the development of internet fraud and hacking. The primary problem faced by poorer countries as a result of brain-drain, in fields like medicine and education, is that they'll struggle to come up with and find it tricky to boost their economy along with living conditions. The Appeal of Problem Solution Essay Topic s for College As soon as you've chosen a topic, describe the issue in detail. If you aren't interested in the subject, writing about it is going to look like it takes forever so find something which you like. All you will need is a simple topic. There is a whole lot of interesting topics which I will inform you about but it's all opinions. The Battle Over Problem Solution Essay Topics for College and How to Win It As with other essays, people frequently discover that it's hard to choose a topic particularly when the instructor asks students to produce their own topics. Sex education is quite sensitive topic. College may have the maximum difficulty level in regards to problem-solution essay topics. The student will hate the silence and begin giving more details.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
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