Saturday, November 30, 2019
Personal Values for the Bsn Student free essay sample
Discuss how you demonstrate this value. Altruism: â€Å"Devotion to the welfare of others, regard for others, as a principle of action; opposed to egoism or selfishness†(Britannica Online, 2008). Altruism is taking care of others regardless of your personal feelings. Nurses demonstrate altruism in many ways. They are devoted to their patients while working in any healthcare setting, they take action when a patient needs them to, they work with patients regardless of personal feelings in situations of race, culture, or ethnicity. Personally, I demonstrate the value of altruism in many ways. Currently I work in education and not on the floor. I believe that in my position I am providing hospital staff very important information so that they are able to give the best possible care to patients on the floor. Autonomy: Autonomy is a person’s ability to decide to act on or control their own actions when faced with different situations. We will write a custom essay sample on Personal Values for the Bsn Student or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page Oxford dictionary defines it as: â€Å"Liberty to follow ones will, personal freedom†(Oxford English Dictionary Online, 2008). Nurses demonstrate autonomy by making sure that their actions are appropriate to their ability. Effective nurses recognize their personal limits and strengths. The nursing process is an important aspect of this recognition. Autonomy is demonstrated in the ability I have to control my actions. Situations have arisen where I do not agree with a choice my patient has made. My first instinct would be to react one way but I have been able to realize that this is not the best way to handle the situation. Human Dignity: The term dignity is defined as the state of being worthy of honor or respect (The Oxford English Dictionary Online, 2008). Human dignity is a concept that â€Å"all human being possess inherent worth and deserve unconditional respect, regardless of age, sex, health status, social or political ideas, religion, or criminal history. †(Wikipedia, 2008). Nurses demonstrate human dignity in many ways. On a daily basis, nurses are caring for patients who have health problems requiring care that may intrude on their personal space and comfort levels. A nurse will respect a patient’s dignity by trying to cover or drape the patient during invasive procedures, they realize that certain things happen with age, and nurses respect a patient’s religious or political ideas. Human dignity is something that I believe I achieve as a nurse. Because I do not work on the floor I achieve this in different ways. I try to educate the nurses in my classes about the different tools available in the software program and how this can help to improve patient safety. I show them the tools they can use to document religious preferences so that other staff members are able to respect the patient. I try to understand â€Å"how they practice with respect for the inherent dignity, worth, and uniqueness of all individuals†(Kalb O’Connor-Von, 2007 p. 196), and how this correlates with an EMR. Integrity: â€Å"Soundness of moral principle; the character of uncorrupted virtue, esp. in relation to truth and fair dealing; uprightness, honesty, sincerity†(Wikipedia, 2008). Integrity is a principle that drives a person to do what they feel to be â€Å"right†. Nurses are able to work with a high level of integrity. As nurses, exposure to medical records happens on a daily basis. Nurses show their morals by only using these records to perform their job effectively. Laws like HIPPA exist to help prevent behavior like this from happening. My belief is the vast majority of nurse’s would not â€Å"snoop†without HIPPA. Integrity is something that I take very seriously. In my position I have access to medical records all across a hospital facility. I could very easily access someone’s chart just to see what is happening, or I could look something up with a malicious intent. I believe that my integrity stops me from doing any of these inappropriate behaviors. Social Justice: Social Justice is generally thought of as a world which affords individuals and groups fair treatment and an impartial share of the benefits of society†(Wikipedia, 2008). Social justice is a principal that people govern themselves by both politically and personally. Social justice is very similar to many of the other values that have been discussed. Nurses are socially just in their ability to provide the same level of care to patient’s regardless of personal beliefs. Nurses also are socially just with co-workers everyday in the ability to work as a collaborative team. Social justice is a very easy value to live by. I believe that I train my classes fairly every day. I am training all staff at the hospital and I understand that not everyone has the same knowledge that another person has. Being mindful of these differences allows me to teach the appropriate topics to the appropriate people. I would not teach a CNA how to document on a MAR since this is a duty that is not in their scope of practice.
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Compare and contrast intrapersonal skills with interpersonal skills essayEssay Writing Service
Compare and contrast intrapersonal skills with interpersonal skills essayEssay Writing Service Compare and contrast intrapersonal skills with interpersonal skills essayIntrapersonal and interpersonal skills are very important for the personal development as well as for the socialization and professional development of individuals. In spite of their intrinsic difference, intrapersonal and interpersonal skills are equally important and they have a mutual impact on the personality and one cannot ignore either of the aforementioned skills. Otherwise, the underestimation or under-development of either intrapersonal or interpersonal skills leads to the misbalanced personal and social development of an individual. Therefore, the development of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills is pivotal for anyone but to develop them successfully it is necessary to distinguish them clearly.Intrapersonal skills are personal skills of the individual that refer to his/her personal life and identity only and do not involve social interactions of the individual (Gibson, 2006). For example, self-orga nization skills are intrapersonal skills because they refer to one’s ability to organize him/herself, schedule his/her workday or plan his/her life and activities. However, these skills do not interfere into social relations of the individual. For example, a person with well-developed self-organization skills may be incapable to manage other people, even though he/she manages his/her own activities perfectly. At this point, the distinct feature of intrapersonal skills becomes obvious since these skills are oriented on the internal world of the individual, on the individual’s self and how the individual positions and develops his/her self.In stark contrast, interpersonal skills are skills that emerge in the course of interpersonal relations of individuals, i.e. in the course of social interactions of individuals (Hughes, Ginnett, Curphy 2009). These skills are externally oriented and, unlike intrapersonal skills that are oriented on one’s self, interpersonal ski lls are oriented on the development of positive social relations of the individual (Dessler, 2004). For example, social interactions imply the development of communication skills, which are interpersonal skills because they are oriented on the interaction of the individual with other people and his/her social environment (Madsen Shafritz, 2010). People need interpersonal skills to develop their social interactions and relations and to maintain them positively. Interpersonal skills do not interfere one’s self directly because one’s self is the domain of the intrapersonal skills.However, in spite of the seeming difference of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, they are equally important for individuals because intrapersonal skills influence, if not to say determine one’s behavior, while interpersonal skills influence social interactions of the individual (Hesselbein, Goldsmith, Beckhard, 2007). For example, if a person is punctual, he/she always arrives in t ime that is the intrapersonal skill of the individual but his/her social environment will appreciate such skills too. Similarly, communication skills, which a priori interpersonal skills, can help an individual to conduct the analysis of his/her behavior and personal problems and resolve them.Thus, intrapersonal and interpersonal skills represent different vectors of the personal development of the individual but still they tend to the mutual impact on one’s personality and affect the behavior of the individual consistently. As a result, one cannot develop a balanced personality, unless he/she has well developed intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.Do you like this essay? You can say "Thank you" to the writer donating him any amount you want. Donate here. (2 votes, average: 5.00 out of 5) Loading...Comments Compare and contrast intrapersonal skills with interpersonal skills essayIntrapersonal and interpersonal skills are very important for the personal development as well as for the socialization and professional development of individuals. In spite of their intrinsic difference, intrapersonal and interpersonal skills are equally important and they have a mutual impact on the personality and one cannot ignore either of the aforementioned skills. Otherwise, the underestimation or under-development of either intrapersonal or interpersonal skills leads to the misbalanced personal and social development of an individual. Therefore, the development of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills is pivotal for anyone but to develop them successfully it is necessary to distinguish them clearly.Intrapersonal skills are personal skills of the individual that refer to his/her personal life and identity only and do not involve social interactions of the individual (Gibson, 2006). For example, self-orga nization skills are intrapersonal skills because they refer to one’s ability to organize him/herself, schedule his/her workday or plan his/her life and activities. However, these skills do not interfere into social relations of the individual. For example, a person with well-developed self-organization skills may be incapable to manage other people, even though he/she manages his/her own activities perfectly. At this point, the distinct feature of intrapersonal skills becomes obvious since these skills are oriented on the internal world of the individual, on the individual’s self and how the individual positions and develops his/her self.In stark contrast, interpersonal skills are skills that emerge in the course of interpersonal relations of individuals, i.e. in the course of social interactions of individuals (Hughes, Ginnett, Curphy 2009). These skills are externally oriented and, unlike intrapersonal skills that are oriented on one’s self, interpersonal ski lls are oriented on the development of positive social relations of the individual (Dessler, 2004). For example, social interactions imply the development of communication skills, which are interpersonal skills because they are oriented on the interaction of the individual with other people and his/her social environment (Madsen Shafritz, 2010). People need interpersonal skills to develop their social interactions and relations and to maintain them positively. Interpersonal skills do not interfere one’s self directly because one’s self is the domain of the intrapersonal skills.However, in spite of the seeming difference of intrapersonal and interpersonal skills, they are equally important for individuals because intrapersonal skills influence, if not to say determine one’s behavior, while interpersonal skills influence social interactions of the individual (Hesselbein, Goldsmith, Beckhard, 2007). For example, if a person is punctual, he/she always arrives in t ime that is the intrapersonal skill of the individual but his/her social environment will appreciate such skills too. Similarly, communication skills, which a priori interpersonal skills, can help an individual to conduct the analysis of his/her behavior and personal problems and resolve them.Thus, intrapersonal and interpersonal skills represent different vectors of the personal development of the individual but still they tend to the mutual impact on one’s personality and affect the behavior of the individual consistently. As a result, one cannot develop a balanced personality, unless he/she has well developed intrapersonal and interpersonal skills.
Friday, November 22, 2019
The Mixed Blessing of Online Research
The Mixed Blessing of Online Research The Mixed Blessing of Online Research The Mixed Blessing of Online Research By Mark Nichol A recent report about the pluses and perils of online searching by students has lessons for all writers, regardless of age, who use the Internet for research. A survey found that though most schoolteachers believe that digital search technology is beneficial, it also encourages more superficial searching, and that conundrum applies to the populace in general and to writers in particular. Writers, like students, are more self-reliant than ever about obtaining information. Although reference librarians are still available to help them search for publications or other resources, and online portals to research materials abound, writers are likely to seek out the documents and other media themselves using computers and other digital devices rather than resorting to a visit to the library. Meanwhile, larger publications that once employed their own reference staff, realizing that workers can easily do research on their own, have long since eliminated such positions. The result is that many digital explorers seek out information randomly, often relying on the first return for a search result rather than the best, or at best one or more selections among several high-ranking responses that may not be the most authoritative. Just as students frequently no longer engage in satisfying their intellectual curiosity, opting instead for a quick fix, writers seeking source material to develop an article or an essay or a report, or a fiction or nonfiction book, are likely to miss out on nuances or fail to realize that a resource they’re relying on is of questionable validity or is controversial. For students and writers alike, the faster pace of their daily responsibilities, the increased pressure to produce, and heavier workloads exacerbate the problem. So, as with any endeavor that suddenly seems easier than it used to, writers seeking information online must do so with caution, lest they become overconfident or otherwise careless. Here are seven tips for conducting online research: 1. Become familiar with established authoritative online sources pertinent to your profession or area of interest. 2. Research alternatives to Google that may be more specific to your needs. 3. Brainstorm and use multiple keywords to conduct a thorough search. 4. Bookmark and/or record helpful portals and sites. 5. Use Wikipedia, but only as a portal to other resources. 6. Be alert for subjective content, conflicts of interest, and propaganda when you’re seeking impartial information. 7. Be skeptical about poll and survey results and reader reviews. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Freelance Writing category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:When to Use â€Å"That,†â€Å"Which,†and â€Å"Who†26 Feel-Good WordsIf I Was vs. If I Were
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Operational Risk Management of xx company Essay
Operational Risk Management of xx company - Essay Example But due to the worldwide credit crunch of 2007-08, the Lehman Brothers has resulted in a tremendous downfall. On September15, 2008, it filed for Chapter 11 bankruptcy, condemned to become the biggest bankruptcy filing in U.S. history and caused a downfall of the world’s financial system (Lounsbury and Hirsch, 2010, p.71). The federal government decided to not bail the company. The firm’s share fall more than 90% and shook financial stocks. The bankruptcy was mainly due to the sub-prime mortgage crisis. However, there were other factors also that were responsible for the failure of the company such as: the overall culture of the company, the tools they utilized and the risk management department. Lehman Brothers overleveraged themselves while not preserving the minimum capital required, depending on risk tools in isolation (Alman, Cudmore, and McVeigh, 2013, p.1). The company has obtained huge amounts of subprime mortgage debt and also the lower rated assets. In 2007, de spite the fact that the Lehman Brothers had closed its subprime mortgage division, it had uphold much of its subprime mortgage liability, therefore resulting in huge losses from the collapse of the subprime market. Its bankruptcy caused the investors to lose millions (Ferrell, Fraedrich and Ferrell, 2011, p.403). Lehman Brothers are exposed to various types of risk such as market and credit risk, counterparty risk, liquidity risk, country risk, operational risk and foreign exchange risk. This report will focus how they are exposed to these various types of risks, what are the threats of these risks and how they will manage these risks. Identification of Risk and Analysis of Threats Risk is the change or probability of a deviation from an anticipated outcome. In order for risk to be present there should be exposure and uncertainty. Risk is measured with the use of risk measurement framework and process (Hays and et al, 2005, p.3). It arises due to various causes such as macroeconomic or external shocks, for example foreign exchange crisis or liberalization-induced credit booms (Bank and Fund, 2005, p.213). Market, Counterparty and Credit Risk The Lehman Brothers was exposed to market counterparty and credit risk through the sudden collapse of its total return swap counterparty. The firm’s share also fall more than ninety percent due to market risk and shook financial stocks. It has been exposed to credit risk which has arisen from derivatives transactions and it has been revealed with the bankruptcy of this firm and has resulted in the credit default swap market. Loss due to credit risk has resulted in decline in the creditworthiness of borrower. During bankruptcy, the total notional value of credit default swap (CDS) trades indicating Lehman Brothers was around USD 72 billion. This has caused bilateral payments of USD 21 million among buyers and sellers of credit default swaps that allusion Lehman Brothers based on auction determined payments. Due to th e firm’s bankruptcy, this was the credit loss for the sellers of the CDSs. For the buyers, this amount signifies their
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Statistics Homework Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Statistics Homework - Assignment Example When it comes to making forecasts using multiple regression, we must consider not only whether each independent variable value is reasonable by itself, but also whether the chosen combination of predictor values is reasonable. From the multiple regression, it is possible to compare the slopes of two or more regression lines and test whether the slopes and intercepts are significantly different". The null hypothesis could read that the slopes for the two groups are not significantly different. We compare the p-value with the If p-value< we reject the null hypothesis and conclude that conclude that the slopes for the two groups are different. From the figure below, R-squared value is 0.09232 implying that only approximately 9.232% of variation in price is explained by carA. The coefficient of carA on the other hand is -28463, this shows that the price of cars with no garage is much more, those with garage are -28463 cheaper. From the figure below, R-squared value is 0.01968 implying that only approximately 1.968% of variation in price is explained by carA. The coefficient of carA on the other hand is -14845, this shows that the price of cars with one garage is much more, those with more than one garage are -14845 cheaper. From the figure below, R-squared value is 0.1549 implying that only approximately 1.968% of variation in price is explained by carA and carB.
Saturday, November 16, 2019
The Causes and Effects of Asthma Sufferers Essay Example for Free
The Causes and Effects of Asthma Sufferers Essay The Problem With 5.2 million diagnosed asthmatics in the UK, Asthma is a common disease which affects both adults and children. Of these 5.2 million asthmatics, 1.1 million are children. Asthma is a condition that has been around for many years and has caused around 1400 deaths per year, of which 90% are preventable. [1] The numbers of asthma cases have been high due to environmental changes, familial history and lifestyle choices such as smoking during pregnancy to name but a few. It is a chronic condition that affects the airways, causing breathing difficulties. The condition has different levels, long-lasting or recurrent. Mild forms of asthma can affect people, as can very severe cases of asthma. Sufferers of asthma have a lower supply of air to and from the lungs. As this serious condition affects so many people, can it actually be cured? What is Asthma? Asthma is a chronic condition that affects the airways of sufferers. The inside walls of the airways are inflamed or swollen. This inflammation makes your airways very sensitive to any form of irritations and causes an allergic reaction to occur. As the airways become inflamed, they become narrower, restricting the flow of air to and from the lungs. This air restriction causes symptoms such as wheezing, chest tightness, coughing and also breathing difficulties. These symptoms are more likely to be experienced at night or in the early morning hours. [2] Many causes and triggers of asthma have been identified. Dust, paint and pet hairs are just a few of the identified examples. [1] Below is a diagram of a normal and an asthmatic bronchiole: [pic] Words: 299 The Solution A solution for treating asthma would be the use of inhalers. This is the most common treatment for asthma, and is much more effective than tablets or liquid by mouth. There are two main types of inhalers, reliever inhalers and preventer inhalers. Inhalers contain drugs that are delivered directly to the lungs. [3] Relievers (Blue), e.g. Salbutamol, contain bronchodilator drugs which widen the bronchi so that more air can pass through, making breathing easier. This is a fast treatment to relieve symptoms and is only usually used when needed. Preventers (Brown), e.g. Pulmicort, contain steroids that reduce the inflammation in the airways. When the inflammation has gone, it is much less likely for the airways to narrow and cause symptoms. This is not an immediate reliever of pain as it takes 7-14 days for the drug to build up its effect. This reduces the need to use a reliever inhaler, as symptoms more or less disappear. [4] Is the solution appropriate? The use of inhalers is appropriate as the steroids they contain to treat asthma are corticosteroids. These are imitations of the natural steroid that is produced in our bodies. [1] Also as these steroids are inhaled, a tiny amount is absorbed into the body, as they go directly into the lungs. Also the dose supplied through the inhaler is a very mild dosage, so therefore will not have any major side effect on the body. The drug also acts faster as it travels directly into the lung. Hence, inhalers are considered as the best treatment for asthma because of the effectiveness of the doses taken. Implications of solution to problem A sufferer’s social life can become damaged due to having asthma, therefore it has social implications. This is due to asthmatic patients needing to carry their inhalers around to treat an attack if it occurs. This is not an average thing to do within the realm of a critical society so it is deemed as a social issue of asthma. Undoubtedly, sufferers feel outcast as they are perceived differently to others and cannot socialise in the way that others can. This is because the younger generation of today, usually socialises through smoking or physically demanding activities, football. These are both difficult to perform or even more harmful to an asthmatic than a normal, healthy person. Medical research should soon create a treatment for asthma which can be carried around easily and is smaller in size. However, the smaller size would mean fewer doses in one inhaler and also in the duration of an asthma attack, a small inhaler would be harder to find on a person, unlike a larger inhaler. Also economical issues are linked with this disease as the medical treatments cost a lot of money to produce and then supply to patients. Manufacturing the current inhalers cost a very large amount of money, to change this and produce smaller inhalers would cause costs to rise further. Machinery would have to change and so would the workers routines, so that an efficient technique of producing the smaller, attractive and trendy inhalers is achieved. Benefits and risks of the solution Inhalers are not completely safe to use as side effects do occur due to the drug contained in the inhaler. A very common drug that inhalers contain is steroids for which side effects occur. The steroids contained are not anabolic steroids that enhance athletic performance. Most side effects to asthmatic steroids are in the upper airway and the throat. The steroids weaken the voice slightly as the muscle controlling the movement of the larynx also weakens. However the problem can be overcome by using spacer devices and rinsing the mouth out after using the inhaler. Steroids have also been suggested to retard children in their growth, although it is known that poorly treated asthma causes failure to grow properly. Normal doses of steroids for asthma do not cause growth failure, whereas high doses may affect growth. [5] Steroids are not only bad as they help with breathing difficulties by relaxing the muscle to allow an increase in the amount of air flow to the lungs and the body. This helps the sufferer of asthma to breathe more comfortably as air travels round the body more freely. Another benefit of using inhalers is that only small doses are prescribed to patients who are diagnosed with asthma. This ensures the safety of the patient as they are not subjected to large doses which may have adverse effects on the body and their health too. Alternative Solutions There are many alternative solutions for treating asthma. Examples of the alternative solutions are oral therapy and also changing lifestyles so that trigger factors are minimised. Oral therapy is a treatment for asthma as it is the same treatment as an Words: 1110 inhaler but is in a different form. It is a tablet that contains steroids that reduce the inflammation of the airways and also reduce the risk of an allergic reaction. Relievers and preventers do the same job as this, but take a powder form that is inhaled into the lungs. However, oral therapy is not very safe as each tablet contains a higher dosage of steroids. Therefore it makes a patient more susceptible to the side effects of steroids. A tablet gives 50 times the dosage of steroids than an inhalation from a standard steroid inhaler. More serious side effects are linked with steroid tablets such as, diabetes, cataracts, increased hunger etc. [1] Changing lifestyles would not treat the disease as no medication is involved to suppress the symptoms. This simply helps calm down and also remove symptoms that may trigger an attack. If triggers of asthma are reserved from a sufferer or even minimised when in close proximity to a sufferer, the chances of an asthma attack occurring is less likely. [6] Therefore a healthier lifestyle for an asthma sufferer leads to a less perilous lifestyle too. By inhaling cleaner air, the lungs are delivered a greater volume of air, which carries more oxygen. Thus making breathing easier as there is an excess of oxygen in the bloodstream, not causing the rapid heartbeat that is needed to pump blood around the body. Validity of Sources Information obtained from ‘’ [2], is a GP and has the title of Doctor. Therefore this would become a reliable source of information as it has been written by someone who has a degree in treating and curing illnesses. Also as he is Dr. Roger Henderson, it shows that he has studied for a long period of time to understand the subject. This understanding was supported by ‘’ [3], which is the society for asthma in the UK. This can be trusted fully as it delivers information on a disease which it is a specialist in. Therefore the sources can be deemed as reliable as they all confirm each others information. Bibliography 1. Numark Pharmacy Medicines Use Review, Page 4 2. Henderson, R, (10/06/2009), (21/02/2010) 3. Asthma UK, (04/01/2008), (23/02/2010) 4. No Authors listed, (17/09/2008), (23/02/2010) 5. Chung, K F, (2003), Treating Asthma (2) – Drug Therapy, Dr. Dan Rutherford, Asthma, 59-65, Great Britain, Hodder Stoughton 6. Rollins, G, (published date not listed), (13/03/2010) KEY: Website, Book, Article Words: 1518 A pie chart that shows the inhaler success rate on asthmatic patients. This shows the inflamed/swollen bronchiole of an asthmatic person. This shows the normal bronchiole of a person who does not suffer from asthma.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
The Workings and Effectiveness of the Price Mechanism :: Economics
The Workings and Effectiveness of the Price Mechanism Introduction In this essay I am going to analyse the workings and effectiveness of the price mechanism as a means of allocating and reallocating scarce resources. I am going to do this by comparing the free market economy with its alternatives and by looking at how government intervention allows the price mechanism to carry on working. I am also going to look at the role that we, as consumers, play in the workings of the price mechanism. Definition & Workings of the Price Mechanism The Price Mechanism: The system in a market economy whereby changes in price in response to changes in demand and supply have the effect of making demand equal to supply. The price mechanism works as follows, prices respond to shortages and surpluses. Shortages cause prices to rise, surpluses cause prices to fall. The price of a product will either encourage producers to supply more or less, the higher the price the higher their profit and the more they are going to want to supply. For example should consumers decide that they want more of a good (of if producers decide to cut back supply), demand will exceed supply. The resulting shortage will cause the price of the good to rise. This will act as an incentive to producers to supply more and will discourage consumers from buying so much. Price will continue to rise until the shortage has thereby been eliminated. The exact opposite is true if consumers decide that they want less of a good. Price will continue falling until the surplus had been eliminated. The same analysis can be applied to factor markets. If the demand for a particular type of labour exceeded its supply, the resulting shortage would drive up the wage rate, thus reducing firm's demand for that type of labour and encouraging more workers to take up that type of job. Wages would continue rising until demand equalled supply or until the shortage was eliminated. The result of this is that, in theory, the allocation of all resources happens without the need of government intervention and only through the price mechanism. Free Market Economy The price mechanism can only function within a free market economy.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Tourettes, I Swear I Can’t Help It
It was televised in May of this year, although during the show we see various clips from both men's lives. At Serge's introduction to the programmer all we see Is a camera shot of a nice looking private school†¦ And then loud screams. This shocks the viewer a great deal because we do not understand what Is going on and Immediately thoughts fly through our heads. Questions Like Who's screaming? ‘, why are they screaming? And even What's going on? Join our train of thoughts, but then the RPR voice-over of Sue Johnston explains that Greg developed Trustees at the age of seven.It then skips to the Greg of the resent – aged fifteen, and he explains how he had to leave that particular private school due to the fact that his parents could not afford to keep him there as well as pay additional for the special care he required. He goes on to mention that he now attends a public school after a campaign to get his necessary assistance. I noticed that when Greg and John are tal king most of their clips are in interview format, I believe the producer chose to do it this way because the camera is focused on their faces so you can see their expressions much better and see their eyes.This makes It el the more personal for the viewer at home. The next clips of Greg are ones of him in school In a lesson and his tics go off and you'd think they would disrupt the classroom but everyone Just goes on as normal â€Å"It's Like It was the wind†as Greg says. In the home videos of Greg as a child there Is always sad music backing It which I believe is to emphasize the emotion and distress the whole family were feeling at this time. Here is where the viewer begins to sympathize with Greg and his family and I believe this was the intention of the programmer. As the interviewer talks toGregg father he explains that after Greg developed Trustees he was feeling down and even went to see his GAP about it – the doctor told him he was suffering depression over th e loss of a child, and Serge's father was getting emotional while repeating this memory then he said†¦ â€Å"And it was true, I felt like I had lost a son. â€Å". I think there are many parts of Serge's childhood (or what we see of it) that are very hard-hitting and this Is when the viewer begins to realize that the condition Is truly dreadful. At one point Greg tells about a time when he was young he Just wanted â€Å"IT†o stop and he actually was begging his parents to kill him.As the younger Greg Is being interviewed we find that he is a very articulate and eloquent child. He explains now Nils tic makes NV swear sometimes Ana nest saying something Like â€Å"l I know if I should say it†¦. ‘Shut your F***inning gob' â€Å". When he says this the last part is whispered and this emphasizes his innocence and proves that it can truly happen to anyone. What I found most interesting about Greg is that he doesn't associate the tic as being himself, to him it is a different person and he even compares himself to Googol'.A few people might be familiar with John Davison because when he first developed Trustees at the age of sixteen, a documentary was made about him called â€Å"John's Not Mad†(1988) and we see clips from this documentary in the latest one, I think we see the clips of his youth and so on to emphasis that this condition does not Just come and go, it is ALWAYS there, and it shows John's constant suffering. Also when Greg first developed Trustees (when he was seven) a documentary was made about him, and this included John at the age of thirty â€Å"The Boy Can't Help It. . As we e clips of John we see the difference between him and Greg almost immediately; John had to endure his illness through a time where it was virtually unknown so people's understanding and acceptance was minimal. We learn all about John's life and how he deals with the Trustees. He goes to support groups where he has a good friend called Chopper, who also has Trustees. We learn that John works in a community centre with children, and we wonder could this be because he missed out on his childhood because of his Trustees?He says in the interview that he feels left out and likes to work with kids and it's â€Å"nice to get a hug†. I believe this shows that sometimes John feels truly isolated from the rest of the world, and this brings the viewer to an understanding of John – and we feel more connected because of how personal this documentary is. We learn that John's family wasn't as half as understanding as Gregg which made John's teenage years all the more unbearable. In some clips from â€Å"John's Not Mad†we see a canteen full of teenagers but no sign of John, that's where the camera skips to another room where John is sitting all alone eating his food.This emphasizes his isolation as a youth. As we find out more about John's family we discover that John hardly sees them now because they're all living their own lives in other places†¦. This makes the viewer think that the family was not, and still is not, very understanding and accepting of his condition, almost as if they're ashamed of him? But he goes on to explain how he's got a sort of ‘surrogate family with a woman called Dorothy/Dotty. He goes on to mention that he eats round at their house three to four times a week.I believe this is to show the viewer a glimmer of hope, show that even the loneliest of people can still find friendship and even the Emily they always wished they had. One thing that surprised me about John's illness is that he has a tic which causes him to spit his food. I did not realize that this could happen. But there is a clip of John as a young man eating a meal with his family and he's putting food in his mouth but then spitting some of it back out again. The viewer then realizes that this is probably why he ate alone as a young man and also realizes how many aspects of a person's life Trust ees can affect.There is one particular scene which really did shock me, it was when John and Dotty were shopping and heir stood in an aisle looking at something when suddenly John smacks Dotty in the face. This part confused me at first because I didn't realize Trustees could cause this sort of behavior, and I believe that this was one of the main reasons it was actually shown – because anyone with little knowledge of Trustees will stereotype it to be someone won swears Ana can't Nell I t wanly Isn't all Tanat serious, out tens clip snows that it is physically dangerous because he genuinely can't help what he does.As we go further into the programmer we learn how John and Greg have accepted that they eave this illness and they try to live their lives as normally as possible. Greg is happy to state that his Trustees doesn't control most of his life, he can still go out and make friends and it doesn't get in the way of his drumming either. We even learn that Greg and some of hi s friends are in a band by the name of â€Å"The Brotherhood†. We get comments from his friends about Greg and his illness; one boy says that in Year Seven he didn't realize that Greg actually had Trustees, he simply thought he was being rebellious.I think this clip emphasizes how little the common knowledge about Trustees is, that people don't even realize what it is and simply think the person is doing it willingly. Another friend makes the statement â€Å"He lives with it – why can't R†. This is a major statement in the documentary because it shows how things have changed and how different ages react differently to things, for a boy of fifteen to say something like this emphasizes the maturity of people in this situation.In an interview John says that he accepts his illness and even goes as far as to say if his illness was gone then he would miss it. All he wants is one day, Just one day, where e has no tics at all. But Greg is mentioning he actually had a da y like this, he says that it was the best day of his life' and he wishes to have another like it. This makes the viewer feel compassion when we realize that although Greg has had a â€Å"free day' – he will probably never get another one in his lifetime, and the fact that John is nearing his forties makes you wonder if he will EVER get such a day.I believe the purpose of this programmer was to raise awareness and increase understanding of Trustees Syndrome, because most people see it as a very funny sort of illness because it makes people swear. In all fairness the affliction can be quite funny and light-hearted at times and I think this was the producer's aim, to get people laughing first and then it would be more of a shock to them when it actually came to the serious stuff. Also it was to let the previous viewers (the ones who watched â€Å"John's Not Mad†and â€Å"The Boy Can't Help It†) know how these people were doing.When you're watching a documentary l ike this, I believe you start to care about the particular person because the programmer is so detailed and personal you almost feel as if you really know them. I believe the target audience for this was a very wide en. Greg is my age so I think people my age would find it interesting and reasonably easy to relate to Greg, and a lot of people are interested in Trustees after Pete Bennett, a sufferer of Trustees, who won Big Brother 7. It was somewhat of a phenomenon, and this is where the real awareness first rose, but people stereotyped Trustees to be funny, quirky, something laughable.Unfortunately the true illness was never fully explained; Trustees is a neurological condition (a condition that affects the nervous system). It causes both physical and verbal tics, which are involuntary repetitive movements or sounds. Trustees is named after the French doctor, Georges Gilles De la Torture, who was the first person to describe the condition and its symptoms. Most people have no idea whatsoever how common Trustees is and it is difficult to know exactly how many people are affected by Trustees because people with the mildest form often disguise their symptoms from others.A recent estimate is that one in every 100 people is affected by the condition. T Is primarily a canon Leases, Ana Toys are affected more than girls. Most people with Trustees will begin to have physical tics at the age of about six or seven ND vocal tics at around eleven. The cause is unknown, but research suggests that the condition is caused by problems with a part of the brain known as the basal ganglia. This documentary was very effective in my eyes, because I realized the true misfortune of Trustees, and now I won't laugh when I hear about it or see it.I strongly believe the programmer will have raised a lot of awareness on the subject and hopefully increase understanding so that the sufferers of Trustees can live a little better. It definitely conveyed to the viewer that it is very seriou s, especially with some of the clips from Gregg childhood, e. . The home video in which Greg Just collapses and can't move. The viewer sympathizes with and respects both Greg for having to go through it and his parents for having to deal with such things.In my opinion the programmer was very interesting, enjoyable and it opened my eyes. It could drag on in certain parts – particularly in the personal interviews, but it was not made to be exciting and interesting, it was made to raise awareness. Watching it for the first time has more of an effect on you than watching it a second time, so it was good for me being a first time viewer. Part of it makes me want to watch the other two wows but I realize that Vive already seen the ending so it would be a bit pointless.I would definitely recommend this to others, it is important for people to know about and understand this illness. So, in conclusion I enjoyed watching this show and I'm glad to have learned so much about a subject th at was practically unknown to me. I would give it 6/10 because it was very good but I didn't enjoy the whole thing, I don't think I'd watch it again unfortunately. My personal taste didn't favor the programmer very much because it was a bit too much like a lesson so it made me feel as though watching it was mandatory and not my choice.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Comparative Analysis of Dominant Russian and American Values
Comparative analysis of dominant Russian and American Values The question of values becomes important when we cannot understand and explain the behavior of foreigners. Probably you know this from your own experience of communication with people from other countries: sometimes we think that foreigners behave strangely or rudely or just differently from what we expect. In most cases this is what is usually called â€Å"cultural misunderstanding†. OK, now let’s dwell on the concept â€Å"value†. There is a considerable confusion surrounding the definition of values.In spite of the fact that there are many definitions and innumerable studies, no definition has attracted widespread consensus. Kurt Baier notes that to define values sociologists employ a bewildering profusion of terms, raging from what a person wants, desires, needs, enjoys, prefers to what the community enjoys, sanctions or enforces. The concept of value refers to two contrasting ideas. At one extreme we speak of economic values based on products, wealth, prices – on highly material things. In another context, however, the word â€Å"value†acquires an abstract, intangible and non-measurable meaning.Among such spiritual values are freedom, peace, justice, equity. In many societies we find a growing antagonism between some of the new values propagated by the mass-media, and the traditional values inherited from the past. For example, we can single out such pairs as: traditional sex roles/blurring of sex roles or traditional family life/alternative families. But let’s analyse all this stuff by looking at two countries, America and Russia. First of all, we’ll give some descriptive information, then we’ll compare them. America.Before we can fully understand the dominant American worldview we need to analyze the historical and cultural roots of mainstream American society. The earliest settlers who came to the North American continent were motivated by the desire to escape the control and the social order of monarchy, aristocracy, and established churches. They were seeking relief from oppression and poverty and were ready to make a fresh start. Freedom is at the center of all that Americans value and hold dear. The U. S. Bill of Rights, ratified in 1791, assures individual rights such as freedom of speech, press and religion.The concept of individual freedom began to be associated with the United States. By â€Å"freedom†Americans understand the desire and the ability of an individual to control his own life without interference from any organized authority. As we can see, Americans' notion of freedom focused on the individual and individualism. The early settlers were mostly farmers whose success depended on their ability to survive and confront hardships on their own. This idealized self-reliant individual is easily recognizable in the industrial age as a small businessman who became a financial success on his own.Th is strong belief in self-reliance and self-sufficiency is the basic aspect of the American character. Though people are not equal in their abilities, equality of opportunity is understood by Americans as an equal chance for success, an equal start to enter the race for success. However, this myth proclaiming equal opportunities has become one of the most battered ideals of today. Only a relatively small number of people under corporate capitalism can reach pinnacle of success, no matter how many people are talented or motivated to succeed.Only a few can reach the top because they could discipline themselves and work hardest. There is also support from Protestant theology, which tends to associate hard work and personal achievement with being in favor with God. In any context working hard is highly honored by Americans. The self-esteem of many Americans is closely connected with performing productive and rewarding work. Students and children are encouraged to work part-time to gain v aluable experience and become contributing members of the family instead of being a dependant.Being a productive member of the society is very important and praised and it is not surprising that elderly people and the disabled strive to be useful and productive in any way they can. The phrase â€Å"to go from rags to riches†reflects the great American dream in which material wealth and possessions are one of the top priorities. Russia. Russia, more than any other country, has always been a challenge for philosophers and historians who tried to provide a logical description of Russia's national identity and national character. There are, however, reasons behind this uniqueness and complexity.Russia is a very old country with the history of more than 11 centuries. It often happened that the new stage of development denied all the values of the previous one: from Tsarist Russia to Socialism, from Socialist Russia to the Free Market Economy. However, despite these sweeping chang es Russia has always demonstrated its uniquely Russian character and style which have survived through centuries and resist all attempts to transform or westernize Russia. It is impossible to approach the culture of Russian people without trying to look at the geopolitical context within which Russia has lived for centuries.Russia is a vast country, situated on the crossroads of Europe and Asia. With such a vast territory to govern, Russia evolved into a state ruled from its center. Distance and isolation prevented easy communication with other centers of civilization which contributed to isolation from excessive foreign influence and to the uniqueness of the Russian national worldview. Russia is also a northern country with a long cold winter and short summer. The harsh climate made Russians strong and healthy, capable of enduring extreme hardship, patient and cautious, dependant on the test of time.The vast territories and cold climate, together with the need to survive and resist the attacks of neighboring countries cultivated the spirit of communalism, which is often considered to be a predominant Russian value. From prehistoric times when Russians banded together to cultivate the land, to fell the trees, to harvest the crops and to protect themselves from invaders, sobornost (communal spirit, togetherness) became a distinctive feature of Russians in contrast to the individualism and competitiveness of the West. Communalism at the same time brought about such ideals as dependence on each other's help, mutual support and trust.Russians rely on a close network of family and friends and coworkers as protection against the risks and unpredictability of daily life. On the other hand, communal mentality is alien to the spirit of self-reliance and responsibility. Russians got used to being told what to do and what to think. Even in the modern rapidly changing world decision making is often difficult for Russians who prefer to refer decisions to higher-ups, thus r idding themselves of the responsibility in case things go wrong. Another important feature of the Russian national value system  preference of spiritual over material.N. Berdyaev considered Russians to be the most spiritual people in the world and claimed that the economy can be viewed only as an instrument but not the goal or the highest value. With the advent of the market economy nowadays it may seem that many traditional values will change dramatically. Traditional values are still strong  self-sacrifice, sense of duty, compassion, the importance of family, and love of nature, courage and moral strength. We may only hope that provided with new practical dimensions, these values will remain the mainstream Russian values.The List of Russian-American Values. 1. Going to extremes (Russians) vs. moderation in everything (Americans) A Russian can spend all his money in a restaurant during one night, Americans would probably never do this and would consider the Russian behavior strange or just foolish. 2. Open-heartedness (Russians) vs. being reserved (Americans) A Russian can talk to a complete stranger on the train about his or her problems, an American would probably prefer to talk about football, rather than to share his or her problems with anybody. 3. Generosity, hospitality (Russians) vs.BEING PRACTICAL, saving money (Americans) While Russian dinner is a real feast, Americans make as many hamburgers as there are guests expected; if Americans invite you for coffee, they mean coffee and not anything else. 4. Complaining about problems (Russians) vs. Being always OK (Americans) Russians and Americans solve their problems in different ways: if Russians have problems they go to their relatives or friends, if Americans have problems, they go to their psychiatrist. Russians and Americans also differ in borrowing money: Russians borrow money from their relatives or friends, Americans borrow money from the bank. . Critical/ironical attitude to one's country (Russians) vs. patriotism (Americans) Russian love of their country is geographical (they love their nature, their birch-trees); American love is political (they love their freedom and democracy and they believe that it's their sacred duty to protect freedom and democracy all over the world). 6. â€Å"Being†orientation (Russians) vs. â€Å"Action†orientation (Americans) Americans are more active physically and mentally. Russians prefer to sit at home doing little and earning little money for little work rather than to stand the physical strains of hard work.Russians prefer intellectual entertainment to going in for sports (Americans prefer sports). 7. Leisure orientation (Russians) vs. Work orientation (Americans) You have worked hard before the exam. When you come to your exam and get â€Å"5†you tell your colleagues that you knew everything and you deserved it (American); you tell your colleagues that you knew nothing and got â€Å"5†becaus e of cheating (Russian). 8. Problem making (Russians) vs. problem solving (Americans) Russians have a serious attitude to life, they tend to complicate everything, Americans have a childish attitude to life, they tend to simplify everything.Situation: Your friend doesn't get on with his colleagues and because of this won't get a promotion. You think that a) He has a complicated personality (Russians), or b) He is a fool (Americans) 9. â€Å"Creative attitude to law†(Russians) vs. law obedience (Americans) It's normal to break traffic laws in Russia, then it's normal to bribe the police (Americans can't even think of bribing the police! ). Explanation: When Russians break traffic laws and are stopped by the policeman, they first try to talk with him, appealing to his feelings, since Russians see in him a human being and not the embodiment of the law. 0. Collectivism (Russians) vs. individualism (Americans) Examples from Russian life: cheating on tests, which is considered nor mal among Russian students (When Russian students are told that American students do not normally cheat, Russian students can't understand why. ). A line in the library (Several people from your group will join you in the line and nobody would object, American students would consider this not only strange but totally unacceptable).
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Health care and frivolous lawsuits essays
Health care and frivolous lawsuits essays On December 13, 2002, Dr. K. Ruff was named in a lawsuit in a case in which she was not responsible. A few months prior, a patient was flown into Dr. Ruffs hospital. He had a cardiovascular disease and diabetes, and by the time he arrived at the hospital, a lack of blood flow to his lower extremities had become fatal. The patient went to the intensive care unit in the middle of the night, and Dr. Ruff was involved with him for less than ten minuets before he died. Later, Dr. Ruff became one of the twenty-three people named in a lawsuit concerning the mans death. It took seventeen months, six motions, and a deposition, during which she told the plaintiffs attorneys she had nothing to do with the case, before her name was dropped. In that time, Dr. Ruffs medical liability insurance came up for renewal. The insurer told Ruff that they would not renew her contract. Although she scrambled to find an insurer, Ruff could not afford any claims-made policies. Consequently, Dr. Ruff was forced to abandon her practice. On January 5, 2004, Tony Dias, a father of two, suffered head injuries in a serious car accident. He was rushed to the nearest hospital, but the only doctor able to perform the life-saving surgery Tony needed, Dr. Ruff, had been recently forced to quit. Tony was airlifted to another hospital, but this took six hours and the damage became irreversible. Tony and his family lived in an area with fine hospitals. They had paid for good health insurance. They did everything right. But Tony did not get the help he needed because lawsuit abuse had driven Doctor Ruff away. While many physicians may feel unfairly attacked when they are named in medical malpractice lawsuits, not every case is a frivolous one. There must be a balance in the justice system: one that prevents people from being sued frivolously yet does not deny people access to justice. A frivolous lawsuit is one in which any reasonable re...
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Second-Grade Goals for Students After the New Year
Second-Grade Goals for Students After the New Year In order to hit developmental benchmarks, it helps to have parents on your side. These are a few second-grade goals for students to complete after the new year. Share them with parents during conferences so they will have a rough idea of the expectations you have for their child. All children learn differently and are not alike, but it helps to have a few general goals listing which skills students will need to know by the end of the school year. Goals to share with parents should include a focus on reading, math, writing, and what to work on at home. Reading Goals Second-grade students should be able to recognize words as chunks, not just individual letters. For example when looking at the word cheat, the second-grade student should be able to recognize the word eat. Other reading goals include: Increase reading fluency and expression.Use punctuation appropriately.Identify an increasing number of words by sight.Be able to identify the speaker in a story.Retell a story by providing details. Students should also be able to use graphic organizers- visual and graphic displays that organize ideas and demonstrate relationships between different information and concepts- to show an understanding of story elements such as the main character, plot, main idea, supporting details, setting, solution, and theme. Additionally, second-grade students need to strengthen their comprehension skills when reading independently. They should be able to identify the main idea in the story as well as locate supporting details, infer, and be able to answer text-specific questions. (This is now a part of the common core.) Math Goals Second-grade students must able to simplify word problems and directions when needed. They need to have the ability to take their time and work through a problem until it is completed properly. Other math goals include: Recite 25 math facts in one minute.Understand math vocabulary and recognize it. For example, they must be able to recognize what the question is asking, such as: What is place value?Use appropriate tools to strategically to solve a problem.Mentally calculate sums and differences for numbers with only tens or hundreds.Develop a foundation for understanding area and volume.Be able to represent and interpret data. Additionally, second-grade students should extend their understanding of the base-10 system. Writing Goals By the end of second grade, students must be able to capitalize and punctuate correctly and use punctuation to add effect to their writing. Second-graders should also be able to: Provide a strong beginning that will grab the readers attention.Create an ending that will show that their writing piece is finished.Use strategies to plan writing, such as brainstorming and using graphic organizers.Show their personality through their writing.Use a dictionary to self-correct during the drafting phase.Add details to support the main idea. Additionally, students should begin to use transition words in their writing to construct logical order, such as first, second, and third, or next and finally. At Home Goals Learning does not end in the classroom. While at home, students should: Practice math facts- three to five facts at a time- each night or at least five times a week.Study spelling patterns and practice spelling words in a variety of ways besides memorization.Read independently for at least 10 to 15 minutes each night.Have plenty of age-appropriate books available to help them develop vocabulary skills.Work with their parents to develop study skills that will last a lifetime. Even at home, children should use punctuation correctly and write in complete sentences in letters, shopping lists, and other writing.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Capstone Research Project Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words - 2
Capstone Project - Research Paper Example It is the view of this paper the Department of Homeland Security should come up with better screening strategies, efficient devices and trained staff in order to minimize or prevent any attack. Effective security is a matter of concern that should be paid attention to because it affects every nation (Silke, 2003). Globally, terrorism attacks have been noted to occur frequently in several countries. Such attacks usually end up in massive destruction because of lack of preparedness. Silke highlights that most of the attacks that have been reported occur during transportation and especially air travel. He states that long air travels are usually targeted because they give the terrorists’ time to plan the attack without being noticed unlike the short journeys. According to Silke (2003), many attacks are conducted by individuals or small entities that claim to have a relation with the Al-Qaida. Terrorism attacks in the United States still remain a matter of concern because they emanate from within the country and internationally. There has been an increase in the activities in the recent few years hence calling for the need of restructuring of policies and strategies tha t will counter the attacks. Counterterrorism success in the United States is reducing due to management and ineffective security actions in the security department (State News Service, 2013). Before the 9/11 attacks, screening for explosives in the aviation sector was limited to certain baggage especially those in international flights (Rollestone, 2012). After the attacks, the aviation and transportation security unit came up with strict policies and insisted on 100% screening of baggage on international flights to and from America. After the attacks, there was a safety upgrade in the transport sector where devices such as sensors, scanners and cameras that monitored the movement
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